The rover mission” Ekzomars. ” © ESA
«Ekzomars” – a joint mission of the ESA and the Russian Space Agency. The first stage will take place in 2016 – with the help of the carrier rocket “Proton-M” to the orbit of the Red Planet will go orbiter Trace Gas Orbiter (TGO) , the goal of which, including, consist in the fact that to study atmospheric trace species and the distribution of water ice in the Martian soil.
ESA will develop a probe, as well as a demonstration landing module “Schiaparelli.” IKI creates a probe unit 2, the first – spectrometric complex Atmospheric Chemistry Suite (ACS) , which consists of three spectrometers and data acquisition system. This device should study the chemical composition of the atmosphere and the planet’s climate. The second device – a collimated neutron detector Fine Resolution Epithermal Neutron Detector (FREND) , it will register albedo neutrons that occur in the soil under the influence of galactic and solar cosmic rays, as well as to build maps of the distribution of water ice in the upper layer soil. FREND is also equipped unit dosimetry. Both devices are in the final stage of production, at the end of the year they will give ESA to set the probe TGO .
The probe should also be able to help in choosing a suitable location for a future rover landing in 2018 , the launch of which is also to be held also with the help of the carrier rocket “Proton-M”. With the help of the landing module that will NPO. Lavochkin will be delivered to the landing platform of Russian production and rover of the European Space Agency, which will weigh about 300 kg. IKI creates two devices – an infrared spectrometer ISEM (Infrared Spectrometer for ExoMars) and neutron spectrometer hadron-RM. ISEM will hold the mineralogical analysis of the surface. Hadron-RM will record the neutron albedo generated by cosmic rays in the ground, and depending on the amount of water ice in it, the device will also map the distribution of water ice along the path of motion of the rover.
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