Saturday, October 25, 2014

The sun came out on a huge stain the size of Jupiter – News IT and mobile industry NASA Solar Dynamics Observatory, or SDO, recorded a huge stain on our luminary, which was discovered on October 18 this year. Sunspot quickly grew and became the largest active region observed in the current solar cycle – a periodic variation in solar activity and appearance – which began in 2008.

The spot, called AR 12192, is about 80,000 miles across, at this spot could fit 10 Earths that will be distributed across the entire diameter, said in a statement NASA. Spot, which can be seen with the naked eye from Earth, has already produced several large solar flares over the past few days, including the X-class flare on Sunday, M-class flare on Tuesday and another X-class flare on Wednesday.

“This is the largest group of sunspots recorded since November 1990,” said Doug Biesecker, a researcher from the National Weather Service’s Space Weather Prediction Center, he also said, referring to The Sun Today, the size of this AR 12192 is 1/2740 ppm of the solar surface, which is nearly the size of Jupiter.
According to astronomers, sun spots are relatively cool areas on the Sun with powerful magnetic fields penetrate through the surface of the Sun . Such areas are the source of solar eruptions, such as flash and plasma explosions known as coronal mass ejections, which may lead to auroras in the atmosphere and disturb the operation of the satellites, global positioning systems, and communication signals.

According to NASA, the largest sunspot observed in 1947, there were almost three times more AR 12192. active region on the Sun are more common at the moment, when the sun is at its stage of “solar maximum” , phase, which occurs every 11 years and represents the peak of solar activity.

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