Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Space exploration cost Russia 321 billion – APR PRESS

There are thinking about domestic manned space flight

Vice -premer government Dmitry Rogozin has put forward a proposal to work in the field of manned space flight, reports Trend. APR PRESS referring to RBC.

«We have to determine for yourself what we do next. I would like to hear your opinion as to whether it makes sense to us to continue the work of the manned space flight to the international dimension or time for us to develop a purely national project “- Rogozin said at a meeting on the development of astronautics.

He also noted that the development and operation of the ISS during the period from 2016 to 2025, the government will allocate 321 billion rubles.

The question has been raised, as currently in force a contract for the delivery of all the astronauts to the ISS on Russian ships, but it expires in 2017.

the United States is looking for another company that will take over these functions, as well as be able to build a ship to travel to Mars.

The winner of “space race” to receive a

contract for $ 3 billion dollars. Actually, after the project NASA will be able to eliminate the use of Russian “Soyuz” and independently to deliver astronauts to orbit.

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