Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Ancient Egyptians embalmed not only the bodies of the dead pharaohs, but the food - BBC

Scientists have found: the food that is placed in the ancient Egyptian tombs, just subjected to the procedure of embalming, as well as bodies buried people. Moreover, the composition of the embalming of food could contain more rare and expensive components than spray for mummification of bodies of the pharaohs.

Catherine Clark and Richard Evershet the University of Bristol and Salima Ikram of the American University of Cairo learned leaf tissue, which was wrapped found in ancient Egyptian tombs of food, as well as the balsam, which was soaked cloth. The samples for the study provided the British and

the Cairo Egyptian museum. The results of the research can be found in the journal PNAS .

analysis of tissue samples has shown that meat and poultry are placed in the tombs of pharaohs were embalmed. The composition of oils and fats, which was soaked cloth, identical to that of the substances used in the mummification of the bodies of people. Moreover, researchers have found traces of the pistachio tree resin, is quite expensive and rarely used in the mummification of the substance. Typically, the resin was used during the performance of religious rituals as incense in the temples. The researchers suggested: Egyptians used it for embalming the valuable substance of food to the dead person in the afterlife could enjoy its improved taste.

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