Sunday, November 10, 2013

Sochi Olympic torch returned to Earth from outer space - RBC - RBC.Ru

The expedition to the ISS as part of the Russian cosmonaut Fyodor Yurchikhin, U.S. astronaut Karen Nyberg and Italian astronaut Luca Parmitano returned safely to Earth.

SpK manned spacecraft “Soyuz TMA-09M” landed exactly at 6:49 MSK, as planned, to the south-east of the city of Zhezkazgan in Kazakhstan. Astronauts completed an expedition to the ISS back to Earth torch Olympic Games in Sochi, which is performed in space one of the stages of the Olympic torch relay.

landing capsule with the astronauts and the Olympic torch was

accompanied by Russian helicopters.

Recall, November 9, the Olympic torch for the first time in the history of the Olympic movement was in outer space. There he was carried Russian cosmonauts Oleg Kotov and Sergey Ryazan.

Today at 3:26 MSK manned transport spacecraft “Soyuz TMA-09M” undocked from the ISS and began its move to the Earth. Continue to work on the orbit of Russian cosmonauts O.Kotov, S.Ryazansky and Mikhail Tyurin, U.S. astronaut Michael Hopkins and Richard Mastracchio and Japanese astronaut Koichi Wakata.

November 11, 2013

Photo report

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