Friday, November 1, 2013

The most Earth-like planet named Kepler-78b - TVNZ

New planet found independently by two groups of astronomers. It has a diameter of about 15,000 kilometers, which is about 1.2 times larger than Earth. It also has a metal core and consists of approximately the same material as the Earth.

However, this

its similarity with our planet ends. Kepler-78b is only one and a half million kilometers from its star and orbits it every 8.5 hours. The temperature at the surface of at least 2000 ° C higher than the hottest

day in the hottest point on the Earth.

to determine the size and orbit of Kepler-78b, scientists have used the so-called transit method. They followed the light from the “parent” star – Kepler-78b and noted how often and how the light fades at the passage of the planet in front of a star.

Kepler-78bnahoditsya 400 light-years from Earth. It is approximately 1.7 times the mass of our planet. Its density – 5.3 g/cm3, 0.2 g/cm3 less than the Earth.

Kepler-78b have no future, says Guardian. The star will be stronger and pull her closer to him. Over time, after about 3 billion years, Kepler-78b will explode and disappear.

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