Monday, November 25, 2013

Police Clashes in Kiev provoked protesters, using gas - RIA Novosti

A rally for European Ukraine in Kiev

KIEV, November 25 – RIA Novosti, Alain Mate. Some aggressive-minded participants in the meeting at the government building first provoked the clashes with police officers on Monday, using tear gas, told RIA Novosti the head of the press service of the main control Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Kiev Olga Bilyk.

Clashes between the police and protesters against the collapse of rapprochement with the EU took place in Kiev on Monday near the Cabinet. It was reported that police used batons and tear gas. The leader of the nationalist party “Svoboda” Oleg Tyahnibok said that the

clashes were provoked by police officers.

According to the head of the press service of the Kiev police, protesters on Monday took to the roadway in front of the Cabinet, took the lane, thereby violating the public order, and created a dangerous situation. In this regard, law enforcement officers forced them onto the sidewalk at the site began jostling.

“Individual aggressively tuned by the protesters with tear gas, this detached provocateurs, they provoke peaceful protesters who came to express their position,” – said Bilyk. In this regard, calls upon the police the protesters not to succumb to provocations, not disturb the public order.

Head of press service denied the use of batons, and did not confirm the use of tear gas. “The police blocked (baton) got, but no one is hit. While there were no reports on the use of gas, but I do not exclude it, as law enforcement officers have the right to use it without permission,” – said the spokesman.

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