Friday, November 22, 2013

With "Plesetsk" Russian rocket launched from the European scientific satellites - TVNZ

On Friday, November 22, at the Baikonur «Plesetsk» was successful launch rocket “Roar» with three European spacecraft series Swarm.

After reaching orbit satellites will monitor and study the Earth’s magnetic field, “Interfax».

recall this year from Plesetsk were launched three rocket “rumble.” Previous rocket launch this

modification took place on September 12. Then had to bring to the target orbit bunch of three satellites “Messenger-M».


In the United States launched a missile «Minotaur” 29 military satellites

Wednesday, November 20, from the spaceport at Wallops Island, Virginia on the east coast of the U.S. successfully launched “Minotaur-1″ with 29 small satellites for various purposes.

launch took place at 05.15 MSK. It was a record number of output devices in orbit (read more)

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