Friday, April 17, 2015

“Dismissal Galimov lunar stop work” – BBC

Chapter Fano fired the director of the Institute of Geochemistry academician Galimov after he wrote an open letter criticizing. Academic colleagues, which trains Russian lunar program, demanded to cancel the order.

dismissal of the director of one of the largest institutes of Russian Academy of Sciences – Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry. Vernadsky Sciences – academician confrontation ended with the Federal Agency scientific organizations. The order was issued after academician Galimov published open letter , outlining the challenges he faced as a director, interacting with the recently created organization.

Fano was created in late 2013, and one of its goals was proclaimed deliverance researchers from having to deal with property and economic issues. “The unprecedented flow of paper overflowed Institute … Activity Fano reduced to the continuous demands accountability, explanations,” – complained in a letter to the academician, complaining that he as a scientist

before the reform Russian Academy of Sciences published at least six to eight articles a year. For 2014 he published only one work.

In addition, the academician spoke about the research vessel “Akademik Boris Petrov” assigned to Geochemistry, which stands more than a year in the Chinese port of accumulated debt to repairers. “Fano remained deaf to our rational proposals to find a solution. Instead Fano sends us unscheduled audit of the Commission for the Institute, “- wrote the scientist. According to Galimov, only after his conversion to the presidential administration was informed that additional 700 million rubles. for the repair of research vessels.

«I do not want to be an employee of Fano”, – concluded the scientist.

«Erik Galimov Dismiss Mikhailovich … in connection with the adoption of the owner of the property of the organization the decision to terminate the employment contract …” – said the head of the order of Michael Fano Kotyukova signed two days later.

On the eve of the institute was a meeting of his staff, who demanded to restore the post of Director, as addressed to the President of Russian Academy of Sciences and Academician – Secretary of the Department of Earth Sciences, and in the future in dealing with personnel issues to take into account the opinion of the scientific collective.

«Main collective outrage provoked how rude it was done – and in relation to the academician Galimov, and to the staff of the Institute. Examples of this attitude to Honored Scientist of any Tsarist Russia, nor in the Soviet period, we do not remember, “- said” “deputy head of the Laboratory of Comparative Planetology, candidate of geological-mineralogical sciences Eugene Clute.

Until last Friday, the director was in the hospital after suffering a heart attack, but in March it continued to go to work. According to the “Gazety.Ru”, on Friday, he wrote a letter of vacation to go to Germany for bypass surgery on the heart. On Monday, the same was rejected on vacation and the order of dismissal.

In the postwar years GEOKHI dealt with problems of nuclear power, with the advent of the space age as his doctrine directly involved in the preparation of all Soviet planetary and lunar missions.

The institute is still stored samples of lunar soil brought the Soviet automatic station.

In the past, using the vessel “Akademik Boris Petrov” scientists obtained important information about the structure of the ocean floor, the processes occurring in marine sediments. In Soviet times, service vessels engaged in an institution, in the 90 years they were all on the balance of its institutions. “Akademik Boris Petrov” was previously in India, used by Indian scientists, surrendered in freight. According to a source in Geochemistry, in recent years, most of the funds, which managed to earn institution was not for the purchase of new equipment and the maintenance of this vessel.

Currently GEOKHI plays a key role in the implementation of the plans, “Roscosmos” Research Moon and planning for future manned missions to Earth’s satellite. And academician Galimov directly oversaw these future projects, such as “Luna-Glob”, “Luna-Resource” and others.

Actually, Galimov and started back in the 1990s initiated the dispatch mission “Luna-Glob” to study the internal structure of the Moon and the mission “Phobos-Grunt».

«Today we have reached the limits and human resource capacity and skills as required by professional cartographers, geophysicists, engineers, designers, geophysical software required. If we do not attract young people here, you will not be able to perform the required scope of work for exploration of the Moon. Dismissal Galimov stop our work and lunar slow down our plans for two or three years “- says Clute.

At the time of publication “” was unable to obtain comment on the causes of Fano Russia dismissal Galimov and the fate of the ship, stuck in China.


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