For the construction of a new Russian space station can be used three modules created for the expansion of the Russian segment of the ISS. This is with reference to the head of the Scientific and Technical Council of the Russian Space Agency Yuri Koptev write “Izvestia».
According to him, the project of the Federal Space Program for 2016-2025 years, the possibility after 2024 on the basis of three modules of the International Space Station to create a Russian space station.
The opinion expressed by the correspondent “RG” cosmonaut Hero of the Soviet Union Viktor Afanasyev, who flew four times in the space and worked in weightlessness, a total of 555 days.
« I am convinced that its own space station we need, and it can become an international always – says Viktor. – And the constant presence of astronauts on it is also necessary. In my opinion, more important today to talk about something else – to increase the practical results of scientific research conducted in space. Take, for example, earthquake prediction – the problem of the problems that have not yet been solved. More on “World News” we conducted experiments, the results of which were used in the development of operational forecasting methods of seismic hazard. Now technology has leaped forward, and the role of science on the space station, astronauts role here should be much stronger », – quotes astronaut edition.
Experts space industry however, have a different opinion. They point out that the withdrawal of Russia from the ISS project is due solely political motives, scientific or economic justification is not here. This opinion was expressed in particular Academician of the Russian Academy of Cosmonautics Alexander Zheleznyakov. He, at the same time, noted that the project of the Russian analogue of the ISS will spend money not much more than it is now on the domestic segment of the station.
According to a member of the Russian Academy of Cosmonautics Tsiolkovsky Andrew Jonah, independent space voyage could cost the Russian budget in the tens of billions of dollars. He said such spending “meaningless”, and the only positive thing is the “support afloat several space businesses».
In addition to the feasibility of establishing a national space station raises more questions and the scientific side of the case, because to date resources International Space Station Russian scientists do not use for their own tests and experiments not at full capacity. It should also be borne in mind that most of the research carried out in the Russian part of the ISS, a contract or in cooperation with foreign partners.
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