Friday, April 17, 2015

Scientists have for the first time were able to prevent the development of Alzheimer’s disease – Express-News

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17.04 | 16:43

Scientists who study the aging process in humans, in the US at Duke University, found the reason for which may develop dementia. It turns out that at a certain age, some cells of the immune system of humans begin to absorb amino acids that block the aging process and prevent them from developing serious diseases such as Alzheimer’s.

During the study, a group of scientists who tried to block the work of these cells, and do not give them the opportunity to destroy the important nutrients for the brain. As a result, they did slow down the process of degeneration of the brain in laboratory mice.

After the first successful experiments, the head of the project Dr. Matthew Kahn, said: “We believe that if we are able to block the process of destruction of the amino acid in the brain, these mice do not develop Alzheimer’s disease. ” So it’s not just a breakthrough, a new stage of understanding the mechanism of the disease, which can help in the search for drugs.

A lot of hopes are pinned on this research and in the UK Alzheimer’s Society. One of its members – Dr. James Pickett commented on the success of American colleagues, as follows: “These results, obtained in experiments on laboratory animals, provide answers to some open questions still in our understanding of the processes that cause Alzheimer’s disease, in particular with As to the role played by the immune system at the same time ».


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