Julius Caesar suffered from bouts epilepsy, in fact he had mini-strokes. In ancient Rome and Greece epilepsy was considered a sacred gift from the gods. Suffering from this disease are often administered by priests, give them every respect. Therefore, according to scientists from Imperial College London, the disease is attributed to Caesar to increase its importance in society, writes to Gazeta.ru.
A new study has revealed that the legendary commander did not suffer from sudden epileptic seizures, and from transistor ischemic attack, also called mini-strokes or mini-stroke. Microstroke – a transient ischemic attack, which lasts from a few seconds up to 24 hours.
Doctors explain that a mini-stroke – is the same stroke, only affects the small blood vessels of the brain. Therefore, violation is not very noticeable, as the body recovers quickly.
The conclusion that Caesar was not epileptic, researchers have made on the basis of evidence about the health of a statesman. Biographers have noted that a dying dictator began to suffer from depression and nightmares, and his personality began to change. Usually transistor ischemic attack that affects the brain of the patient, it leads to such consequences. Besides symptoms were found in the Roman consul in adulthood – the risk microstroke just increased to 35 years, while the symptoms of epilepsy seen since childhood.
Doctors build a variety of theories about the nature of seizures in Gaius Julius Caesar. Extended version of that commander was a brain tumor – glioma or meningioma. Other hypotheses suggest that the great Roman suffered from neurosyphilis caused by sexually active, arteriosclerosis and even deafness in one ear. Some scientists and did express the view that the brain Caesar was struck larvae and eggs pork tapeworm.
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