Friday, April 17, 2015

A cure for Alzheimer’s disease has already been created – INNOV.RU – Nizhny Novgorod business ON-LINE

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17.04.15 8:16 | Text: Elena Tkachenko | Photo: dewezet. de 1911

This is a sensation!

The cure for Alzheimer's disease have been created

Deadly Alzheimer’s disease can be not only prevent but also cure with the help of new drugs that produce a “reset” the immune system. This is the conclusion reached by researchers from the School of Medicine at Duke University in the United States.

American scientists claim that drugs to “reboot” the immune system to help stop the devastating process of memory loss. Thus, according to scientists, a new study has shown for the first time that immune cells play a crucial role in the formation of beta-amyloid plaques, which are located between brain cells and prevent them from functioning normally.

As a general rule, according to scientists, the human body protects the brain from plaque formation of these, but in Alzheimer’s disease the immune cells in the brain are not working correctly, producing a molecule that actually lowers the immune response and makes its own contribution to the development of sad terrible disease. It is worth noting that the drugs that block the action of this molecule have already checked for cancer patients, and has become clear that the drugs successfully stopped the formation of malignant plaques, suggesting that the prospect of developing new products there.

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