Thursday, April 16, 2015

Alzheimer’s disease is now curable – Moskovsky Komsomolets

Scientists in the US have stopped dementia in experimental mice

Yesterday, at 16:35, Views: 20999

A group of American scientists from the School Medicine at Duke University, conducted a laboratory study. In the course he had created a cure for Alzheimer’s disease. In the course of many years of research, scientists have created a drug can not only prevent the terrible disease, but also to cure already suffering from Alzheimer’s rights. New drug works at the level of the immune system, helping it to fight the devastating consequences of the disease.

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Photo: Natalia Gubernatorova

In Alzheimer’s disease the immune cells in the brain are not working correctly, producing a molecule that lowers the immune response. The disease does not allow the body to fight alone with the formation of beta-amyloid plaques, which are located between brain cells and prevent them from functioning normally. Developed a drug blocks the effects of harmful molecules and stops the formation of plaques, according

Doctors believe that this medicine is an important step in the fight against previously incurable disease. The drug can be used not only for prevention, but also for the full treatment of seriously ill.

The experts conducted a study in mice with the immune system, similar to a human, said They noticed that microglial cells in the early stages of Alzheimer’s disease began to share and change. Prior to the onset of symptoms of dementia mice were given difluoromethylornithine (DFMO). Medicated protected rodents against damage caused by arginase (enzymes that degrade arginine).

These scientists from Duke University data, however, suggest that the mere introduction of an additional amount of arginine in the body does not affect the development of dementia, as the process of splitting the amino acid does not stop, writes

A member of the British Society Alzheimer’s Dr. James Pickett said the new study offers hope for the emergence of new methods of treatment of senile dementia.

” These results obtained in experiments on laboratory animals provide answers to some still open issues in our understanding of the processes which cause Alzheimer’s, especially with regard to the role played by the immune system while “- Pickett explained.

Dementia – a syndrome in which there is a degradation of memory, thinking, behavior and ability to perform daily activities, informs Dementia affects mainly older people, but it is not a normal condition of aging. Alzheimer’s disease is the most common cause of dementia – it accounts for 60-70% of all cases. Dementia – one of the main causes of disability and dependence among the elderly worldwide. Dementia has physical, psychological, social and economic impact on caregivers, family and society.

For the development of dementia cause various illnesses and injuries that in the first or second turn cause damage to the brain, such as Alzheimer’s disease or stroke.

Dementia affects different people – it depends on the impact of the disease and on the individual before the disease.

The signs and symptoms associated with dementia, are three stage of development .

Early stage dementia often goes unnoticed because develops gradually. Common symptoms include:


loss account of time;

disorientation in familiar terrain.

The average stage : the progression of dementia in the middle stage of the signs and symptoms become more pronounced and more narrows the possibilities. These include:

forgetfulness in relation to recent events and names of people;

disorientation home;

increasing difficulty in communicating;

need in helping to care for themselves;

behavioral difficulties, including divagation and asking the same questions.

At a later stage dementia develops almost complete dependence and passivity. Memory disorders are remarkable, and physical signs and symptoms are more obvious. Symptoms include:

disorientation in time and space;

difficulty in recognizing family and friends;

the increasing need for assistance to care for themselves;

difficulty in walking;

behavioral changes, which may be exacerbated and include aggressiveness.

People with dementia are often deprived of their basic rights and freedoms available to other people. In many countries, nursing homes and intensive care are widely used physical means and chemicals to keep patients, despite the presence of regulations for the protection of human rights to freedom and choice.


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