Saturday, February 22, 2014

Facebook accounts of deceased users perpetuate - BFM.Ru

Social network Facebook has come up with what to do with the accounts of the deceased. Company representatives did not find any other way out but to keep them unchanged, according

This means that now, if one of your friends or relatives died, the administration of social networks can “immortalize” his account for all users of the social network, the company says.

still dead people’s pages remain accessible only to their friends and family members, if they express a wish. “People do not see them, unless they were their friends. But today all registered sotsesti accounts will be maintained in the form in which it left the deceased owner, that is, they will be able to see all the people “, – explained in the Facebook.

changes, which went on the company, saying that it is like other social networks began to wonder about the safety of a virtual information about the deceased person. Last year it also made Twitter.

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