Saturday, February 8, 2014

"Yellow race is no reason to attribute hurricane strength" - BBC

February 8 (January 27 old style), 1904 Japanese Navy attacked the Russian squadron in the Bay of Port Arthur. Thus began another prologue WWI. The war was seen as a remedy for internal political tension, but society was divided, and even fighting in Manchuria were unable to unite.

110 years ago began the next prologue World – Russian-Japanese war. On this day, the Japanese Navy attacked the Russian squadron in the roads of the Far East Port Arthur fortress leased by Russia from China.

On the banks of the Yellow and Japan seas clash between the interests of the two big players. Field to determine their relationship became weakened China and Korea.

detected fifth Japanese mini-submarine, attacked Pearl HarborJapanese submarine torpedoed


Discovered the remains of a Japanese submarine, which during the attack on Pearl Harbor, is supposed to be sunk battleship “Oklahoma”. This finding … ?

For nine years earlier, in 1895, Japan soundly defeated China in the war. According to the results concluded Treaty of Shimonoseki Celestial recognized the independence of Korea, Japan ceded Taiwan, the Pescadores and the Liaodong Peninsula. However intervened Russia, France and Germany. These three countries put an ultimatum to Tokyo, and from Liaodong islanders had to be abandoned. Of course, the winning country audit Shimonoseki was perceived as a humiliation.

Three years later, in 1898, a weakening Qing China ceded the main city of Liaodong – Port Arthur (Lushun) – Russian concession for 25 years. Also temporarily moved to Russia Far (Dalian) and the surrounding areas. To the side of Port Arthur was built branch of the South Manchurian Railway from Chinese Eastern Railway , which was a major infrastructure project in Russia, providing its expansion into Manchuria.

Some courtiers were interested in further economic advancement in North Korea.

As a result, the fate of the peninsula became the subject of diplomatic negotiations.

In St. Petersburg, Japan was not considered a serious contender for the (possibly helped pliability diplomacy of the rising sun at audit Treaty of Shimonoseki). And there was another factor: historians have noted that part of the elite, headed by Interior Minister empire VK Pleven believed that “small victorious war” would strengthen the authority of the autocratic power and curb opposition forces inside Russia.


opposition sentiment in early 1904, though not yet been decorated organizational already felt.

Liberals in living rooms and banquets talked about the constitution, that is, on the limitation of the power of the monarch, the Social Democratic and Socialist Revolutionary Organization, despite the activity of the police, continued to exist, and were local workers’ strikes.

January’s negotiations with Japan were covered in newspapers in very sharp colors. Moderate “Moscow News” January 20 wrote in the article “yellow peril”: “Settlements Japan hardly correct. Russia is immeasurably great peacefulness <...> but it has its limits. There is a trait will be found the boundary beyond which Japan will wait for one death. In her best interest not to overlook this feature and do not move it sacrilegious sassy foot. ” Publicists and mentioned about the “actual support of Britain and the United States” who really wanted to stop the Russian expansion in the Far East, Japanese hands.

Russian Posters Russian-Japanese War, Japanese Emperor and his crafty wishers (Tipo Lithography-VV Kudinova, Moscow, B.Yakimanka.) John Bull (England) and Uncle Sam (USA) pushed equestrian Japanese Mikado into the abyss / / Wikipedia Russian Posters Russian-Japanese War Japanese Emperor and his crafty wishers ( Frame Lithograph Kudinova VV, Moscow, B.Yakimanka). John Bull (England) and Uncle Sam (USA) pushed equestrian Japanese Mikado into the abyss / / Wikipedia

Nationalist “New time” seen in Japanese spins England, discussing, however, this issue along with the fact that “you replace the rod”, referring to the debate about corporal punishment for the peasants.

preparing to war – the correspondent of “New time”, describing Port Arthur in January, admits: “I think I shall get to the beginning of hostilities».

However, on the front pages of materials about this country did not fall: in the “Gazette” there covered secular side arrival of Nicholas II in Moscow cited reports commission that worked on peasant legislation in detail the legal battle between the Treasury and the house of Rothschild, and “New time” ads placed on it.

January 26 old style (ie February 7 new) appears on the editorial page essay “Korea and Japan”, which tells about the penetration of the island country on the peninsula. The next day – a note without a signature “Russia and Japan”, in which the expressed position: St. Petersburg was ready to give a number of requirements neighbor, but it sounded a desire to Tokyo to Russia “has withdrawn its troops from Manchuria.” “This requirement infringes on the independence of Russia’s actions, in any case can not be accepted” – the newspaper. Confidence completed note that “Russian people <...> will be as one man to the sword in the hands of the enemy reflect».

90 years ago, Lenin died: the science department

«There was a communist who did not steal, and he died»

January 21, 1924 died on the first head of the Soviet state, Vladimir Ulyanov (Lenin). “Gazety.Ru” examining archival rooms … ?

«New Times» more reasoned on racial themes: Noting that the “yellow race is no reason to attribute hurricane strength” (in the article “On the topic of yellow”), and then describing the behavior of Japan so “Asians were Asians».

January 28 (February 9, new style) on the front page, “Moscow News” appears listing the solemn prayer of “God bestow blessings” on Russian troops in the Far East. Military and civilian officials were to appear in the Grand Cathedral of the Assumption at the parade. The first band “New time” leads a telegram about the attack and the Japanese government report about it. Also in the room is possible to obtain the map of Port Arthur and the image of ships damaged in the attack.

News “unprecedented predatory attack Japan” were very emotional.

Japanese were called savages, war with the country described as follows: “The struggle with the snake, which first pull the fangs».

The Siege of Leningrad, which ended 70 years ago, remains a subject of scientific study

Price blockade

January 27, 1944 at 20.00 in Leningrad fireworks thundered: 872 day siege left behind. The heroic defense of the city is still … ?

«New Times», in turn, publishes a telegram from the region, as well as a map of Manchuria, Korea and the Amur Region.

January 29 on the second page of “Vedomosti” publish a manifesto of Nicholas II of the war with Japan. Details appear patriotic acts “in the Winter Palace indescribable enthusiasm greeted the solemn procession to the Russian throne of the Almighty King.” On the same day, “New Times” publishes patriotic appeal to the king on Irbitskoi merchants and nobles of Saratov.

Historians record

outburst of patriotic sentiment in the rear: traditionally oppositional students singing “God Save the Tsar!” came to the Winter Palace. In other cities, there were patriotic demonstration (of them writes historian SS Oldenburg). Even meeting in February in the capital of the liberals – the Congress of the Union of Liberation – decide that “any declaration of constitutional requirements and applications are terminated.” Allegiance messages sent in rural and noble assemblies, city councils. Another sign of recovery was volunteering: Kravchenko in the book “At War! Letters, memoirs, essays war correspondent, “notes that” very few of them (ofitserov. – “Times”) is sent to the destination: the majority of their own accord ».

But society was still divided, and even the war could not fully integrate it: so, girl students of the Higher Courses for Women in St. Petersburg refused to serve prayers for victory.

Russian-Japanese war of 1904-1905. / / art.ioso . ru Russian-Japanese war of 1904-1905. / /

«War was incomprehensible to their uselessness” – wrote in the notes, “The Japanese War” VV Veresaev. He noted the mood of the intelligentsia: “The question of the outcome of the war did not worry, hostility toward the Japanese was no sign of our lack of success is not oppressed, on the contrary, close to almost unnecessary pain for the victim was almost gloating. Many directly stated that Russia would be most useful to defeat. ” Veresaev, of course, was not a revolutionary, but he expressed the sentiments of a large part of the educated class. Statements radicals were even tougher. “The interests of the greedy bourgeoisie <...> that’s what caused this criminal war, carrying untold misery to the working people,” – said the appeal of the Central Committee (CC) of the Russian Social-Democratic Labour Party (RSDLP).

Portsmouth world war ended, signed August 23 (September 5) in 1905 and fixed concession Japan Russia South Sakhalin and its lease rights on the Liaodong Peninsula and the South Manchurian Railway

Amid raging demonstrations go unnoticed only one fact: war on Japan in support of Russia announced a tiny Montenegro. Of course, participation in the events of this Balkan country had not taken so about it at the peace simply forgotten. Only in 2006 between Montenegro and Japan signed a peace treaty.

In preparing this article, the following materials.
Newspapers: “Moscow News”, “New Era” (1904).
Veresaev VV Notes of a doctor. The Japanese War. Moscow: Pravda, 1986. N. Kravchenko to war! Letters, memoirs, essays war correspondent. SPB.: BI, 1905. VI Lenin Complete Works. T. 8. Moscow: Publishing House of political literature, 1972. SS Oldenburg The reign of Nicholas II. SPB.: Petropolis, 1992.

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