Friday, January 17, 2014

British physicist explained the phenomenon of "jumping beads" - Rosbalt.RU

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LONDON, January 17. Beads and all kinds of chains – one of the oldest and simplest inventions of mankind, it is difficult to imagine that such an everyday object may be of interest to scientists.

take a fresh look at the beads in the last year managed to master the scientific channel BBC Steve Mauldu whose experiment with beads on YouTube already collected several million views. The idea of ??the experiment is simple, and it can be done at home every.

To do this neatly folded long beads at the bottom of a vessel. If you take the free end of the beads and pull it out of the vessel, beads under the influence of gravity begin to not just fall out, but also form a kind of hump, rising to a certain height.

Intuitively, it seems that the beads have to slide along the edge of the vessel, instead they raised over him, as if against the force of gravity.

Mauld found himself explaining the strange phenomenon, writing in his blog: “The reason that the beads make a loop over the edge of the vessel remains a mystery. I think this is due to the fact that the beads are forced to change direction, and they do not can do it immediately, otherwise they would have experienced infinite acceleration “.

While roller

collected views on the Internet, and enthusiasts checked phenomenon in practice, the nature of this phenomenon interested scientists. As a result, unable to explain the phenomenon of scientists led by John Biggins of the University of Cambridge.

“We thought that was interesting, and we decided to throw our students puzzle – said John Biggins. – It soon became clear that we can not explain this movement, using traditional methods. And then we realized that we are faced with an interesting solution Problems “.

According to Biggins, explanations related to the fact that departing beads takes some time to change the momentum, are “fundamentally wrong”.

Biggins proved that soar over the edge of the vessel beads makes no gravity acting on the hanging part of the circuit, and the vessel with beads, reports.

key to understanding the mechanism is that it is necessary to consider the underlying beads as bars connected by a thread.

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bar resting on the bottom, acting thread that pulls it up, and the thread that connects it with the neighboring block. Drawing up the thread not only raises the bar, but also tries to spin counterclockwise. Since the adjacent bar prevents this twisting, on the edge of the bar from the bottom will have an additional force pushing it up and provide additional acceleration.

Mathematicians have calculated that height hump chain over the edge of the vessel is proportional to the square of the velocity of beads and increases with height above the ground of the vessel on which the beads fall.

“Rarely does the students can understand the results of this research, but this is the case,” – says Biggins. Despite the fact that scientists are interested in the phenomenon because of its unusual, this effect can be applied in practice, says Biggins.

“in industry and technology people have to unwind the chain and rope with coils quite often,” – he said.
Furthermore, study of the phenomenon can be used in orbit when it is necessary to connect two or more satellites.

“Our work has shown that during the unwinding of the chain in its free end to the pulling force is added to the reaction force of the coil. So you can unwind the chain with less force, using a weaker engine and with less energy,” – said the author of the work.

He added that in the longer term, a similar effect can be used in the construction of space elevators – satellites, hanging on a leash on a particular point on the surface of the Earth.

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