Sunday, January 12, 2014

Scientists: bully paw, dogs are guided by magnetic fields - Rosbalt.RU

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ESSEN, January 13. According to biologists, the dogs are able to pick up the magnetic field. This is evident by the way they are arranged to relieve themselves.

When choosing a dog

body position to relieve their “dog compasses” prefer to choose the direction north-south. With this data, scientists can better understand how such an unusual ability as magnetoreception (the ability to determine the direction of the magnetic field of the Earth) is manifested in animals.

Dogs are not the only animals that, according to scientists, have this ability, reports portal “Agro XXI”. According to the study participants Sabine Begall biologist at the University of Duisburg-Essen, magnetoreception use birds, bees, and some mammalian species.

“A few years ago we discovered that cows are guided by the magnetic field linyam – said Begall. – Since we explored the hunting habits of red foxes and found that, while hunting for mice, she prefers to jump into the north- easterly direction. And then we easily turned to the study of dog behavior. First, we observed the behavior of dogs in different situations, but the most successful results were obtained in the study of their “orientation during the departure of the toilet”.

Scientists have observed the behavior of 70 different breeds of dogs 37 during a bowel movement (of 1893 episodes) and urination (5582 episodes) over the past two years. The researchers found that the dogs, making toilet, prefer to settle north-south direction – provided that the magnetic field is stable. According Begall, the displacement of the magnetic field – say, before the solar storm – regularity in the behavior of dogs is not so noticeable.

“We do pretty confused, because the orientation of dogs, we observed no clear preference, says Begall. – But then we sorted the data based on the prevailing state of the magnetic field at the time of the video, and with the help of this method were able to get some very important and predictable results “.

According to the leaders of the study, such a provision in the north-south direction during the administration needs to take all dogs regardless of gender. However, during urination males took a slightly different position – apparently, this is due to the need to lift up his paw.

But how to choose the position affects scoring paw – or rather, left or right paw – is “currently being studied,” researchers commented.

According to researchers, in general to study the problem further studies are required, since the state of the magnetic field was normal in only 30% of the cases studied.

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