Wednesday, September 24, 2014

GSM-frequencies in the Crimea can be drawn at the auction in the first half of 2015 – Bulletin

GSM-frequencies in the Crimea can be drawn at the auction for 4-6 months, after an appropriate decision will be the State Commission for Radio Frequencies ( SCR), transferred « Interfax” referring to the head Roskomnadzora Alexander Zharov. According to him, the SCR has not yet decided on the auction, but received documents on the initiation of trading on the frequencies 900 and 1800 MHz in the Crimea. This was confirmed by the representative office Vadim Ampelonsky.

The next meeting is scheduled for SCR mid-October, said « Vedomosti” one of the participants of the commission. However, he doubts that before this time SCR time to see the results of the study Roskomnadzora about the availability of frequencies in the Crimea ?? agency must provide them not later than October 1. In this case, the decision of the auction will be taken at the next meeting of the SCR, which is scheduled for December 2014 So Roscomnadzor can spend Trades on the Crimean resource in the first half of 2015 г.

The representatives of the Ministry of Communications confirmed that waiting for the results of research Roskomnadzora: while the agency has not received them, difficult to comment on the situation, said his spokesman Dmitry Zakharov.

The head of the Ministry of Communications Nikolai Nikiforov in August spoke of the possibility to auction frequencies of GSM Crimea, but then he did not elaborate on what exactly the spectrum will be discussed. Employee Roskomnadzora explained « Vedomosti” that the vacant frequencies in the Crimea is in the range of 900 MHz ?? in the band from 904 to 911 MHz. This may be enough for a single operator, he said. In the 1800 MHz range of free resources, he said, no. He also noted that the frequencies are distributed in Crimea « a very strange way»: « a range of sliced” into small pieces, which is why a large amount of so-called « shelterbelts» ( need to network operators do not interfere with each other to work). The result is a strip, which are idle. If life was cut otherwise ?? t. e. each operator instead of several small bands was one big, ?? it would free up more frequencies, said the source « Vedomosti”. According to him, the agency proposed to the Ministry of Communications to harmonize frequencies, implying exchange frequency ranges between the current operators.

Now in the Crimea, the Russian working « K-Telecom» ( brand Win Mobile) and Ukrainian « Astelit» ( brand « Life :)»). In early August, « MTS-Ukraine” and « Kyivstar “suspended work on the peninsula, but they continue to be serviced subscribers roaming operator « K-Telecom”. Beneficiaries of the last remains unknown ( sources « Sheets” assumed it , but the company has repeatedly denied its connection with the Crimean operator).

The representative of the « » Olesya Jaremenko reported that the operator decides to participate in the auction, after examine the conditions of trading. Representatives « », MTS and Tele2 declined to comment.


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