Friday, September 19, 2014

Ig Nobel Prize – 2014: The award was received authors of the study about the dangers of seals on the psyche – TVNZ

On Thursday, September 18, students of one of the most prestigious universities in America instead gnaw granite of science, laughter clung tummies. At Harvard, took 24th Ig Nobel Prize ceremony for the most curious developments in science for 2014.

The event was attended by experts from all over the world. The award is presented in different directions.

The award, in particular, has been awarded to a team biologists from the Czech Republic, Germany and Zambia for carefully documented study on defecation dogs – as it turned out, the brothers our smaller prefer … “urinate in the space along the magnetic meridian of the earth,” the magazine reports Improbable.

Among the Economists in the Ig Nobel Prize committee did not find equal to the Italian National Institute scientist who proposed to take into account when budget the earnings of prostitution.

Well, during the presentation of awards in the field of Health Hall, in general, gave a standing ovation. Prize was awarded to a team of scientists to investigate how Pets seals affects mental and psychological health of the owners.

And yet, the winners are Physics . Japanese scientists have been awarded the main prize for the study of the degree of friction between the sole of the shoe, a banana peel and the asphalt surface at the time when it comes to people.


Ig Nobel Prize was established in established humor magazine “Annals of Improbable Research” in 1991,

as an analogue of the prestigious international award – the Nobel Prize. Her first was a correspondent of the journal Nature, Jacques Benveniste for the article that the water is reasonably liquid and has a memory.


From the ridiculous to serious and back

In 2000, the Ig Nobel Prize in physics was our compatriot Andre Geim, who worked at that time in the Netherlands. Scientist engaged in that hung frog in a magnetic field – forcing them to levitate. And in 2010 he won the Nobel Prize, along with our other compatriot Konstantin Novoselov, opening new material graphene. And by the way, a little analysis shows that Dutch scientists are more likely to give high-grade scientific nonsense. Why would it? (Read more).

And finally …

– physicist Roy Glauber is the official “keeper of the broom” Ig Nobel Committee. Its task is cleaning the hall from the airplane.

– The ceremony traditionally ends with the words: “If you did not win this award – especially if you win – good luck next year!»


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