In St. Petersburg Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library, work began on the creation of domestic analogue “Wikipedia”. The basis of the resource will be 50 thousand books and archival documents from the regional depositories.
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– Data ” Wikipedia “is not always detailed and reliable, especially in the regional chapters. And blame the creators of the resource is certainly not worth it, because the article for the Encyclopedia write simple Internet users, who often do not have any special education or access to information sources – told “RG” Director of Public Affairs Presidential Library Valentin Sidorin.
A few months ago, the agency staff appeared a great idea – to create a global portal, where they were presented to the comprehensive materials on the life of the regions. The basis of the amount of content archival sources, encyclopedias and monographs.
27 libraries have already sent their materials. The following year, all the publications will be digitized and made publicly available in the portal library. In parallel, work will be done to create a platform that can handle huge amounts of data.
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Staff stacks have already applied to scientists from St. Petersburg State University, who promised to help with the technical solution of the site. Parallel libraries written request to the Ministry of Culture with a request to fund the project.
The official name for the Russian analogue of “Wikipedia” yet. Work site name – “All Russia”.
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