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Russia urgently needs to create a new manned spacecraft, otherwise the planned program for the development of the Moon will be disrupted. This statement was made Sergei Krikarev, is deputy director TsNIIMASH. He explained, 10 years ago the question was raised about the need to develop a new ship, if Russia is planning to participate in the development of satellite and make long space flights. The project was developed and proposed for approval, even the president, but no substitute for the old “Union” and has not done. Krikalev calls on the Government to urgently review the entire program, or about any moon out of the question.
To date, the race to develop the natural satellite of the Earth has entered except the US – China and India. But the little old Russian to the Moon “Union” does not reach.
Competitors in the meantime do not sleep. NASA for example in February 2010 announced its program called “avatars” on the moon. India very soon send its first lunahod and in the future (2025-2030 years) will jointly or independently manned flight with landing on the surface. China in its program to develop the satellite is going to build on it a permanent, manned stations no later than 2040-2060 years.
Russia in this matter as it falls. Patriotic program involves the launch to the moon automatic stations – “Luna-25″, 26, 27,28. This is the first stage of her. On the first scheduled flight of the ship with the crew, but still quite, it is not clear whether the time to create Roskosmos for this mission ship, given that he desperately needs right now.
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