Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Moon race began, Russia has remained at the start – St. Petersburg and the World

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Sergei Krikalev said that if not begin work on a new manned spacecraft, lunar exploration program could be in jeopardy. 10 years ago there was talk about the fact that Russia needs a new spaceship to develop natural satellite of the Earth and outer space. The project was proposed by Vladimir Putin, but the replacement of obsolete “Union” has not been created. Deputy Head TsNIIMash on manned space flight Sergei Krikalev assures that the entire program must be revised Roscosmos.

US, China and India have already joined in the race to develop the moon, but with outdated “Union” Russian difficult to compete with them. So, in February 2010, NASA unveiled a new project: “avatars” on the moon, the Indian Space Research Organization unveiled plans to send a rover ambulance and joint or independent manned missions to the moon in the distant future (after the 2025-2030 city), China hopes to establish on the moon habitable scientific basis. According to the Chinese program, the development of Earth’s natural satellite is planned for 2040-2060 years.

The Russian program involves sending the moon automatic interplanetary station “Luna-25″, “Luna-26″, “Luna-27″ and ” Luna-28 “in the first stage. However, it is unknown whether the Roskosmos to begin construction of a new manned spacecraft, which is in demand right now.


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