Sunday, May 5, 2013

In America, came up with a weapon that does not shoot in the wrong hands - Moskovsky Komsomolets

Invented “smart” weapons, subject only to his or their owners

If such weapons falling into the hands of mentally ill person, then you can not be afraid, that as the gun will not fire, the creators say . The handle on the weapon is intelligent fuse, which is integrated infrared scanner that recognizes the fingerprint, in whose hands the gun.

Company Safe Gun Technology creates a unique weapon. It will be a special way to recognize its own owner, functioning only with him. In handle guns built a special scanner. Less than a second scanner will need to read the information from the palm of your hand. In case of discrepancy between the scan data palms owner, gun locks, it can not be used.

weapon can be used by several owners, for example, in the army. The scanner is able to store up to twenty thousand fingerprints.

Co-Founder of Charlie Miller believes that using technology would prevent the killing of 26 people boy Adam Lanza, which occurred in the state of Connecticut (USA) in December: “Stop the murderer was not possible, because our technology is not yet appeared on the market. If Lanza would miss (the murderer’s mother, whose weapon used Lanza) has established our technology on their arms, nothing would have happened. ”

Despite the difficulties with the financing, the company intends to begin production of its fuse in the coming months. “Even if America suddenly cease production of weapons we have on hand about 300 million units. Our technology will make them safer. Our ten-year work is justified, if by means of the fuse will be saved the life of even one child”.

system development takes place with great difficulty. Investors are not very interested in putting money vvoenny prototype, so developers have to exist on private funds, notes ComputerWorld . Meanwhile, the co-founder Charlie Miller said that despite the difficulties with the money, the production of the new system fuses may be launched in the coming months.

Sources: , .

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