Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Roscomnadzor second time included the article "Wikipedia" in the black list of sites - radio station Echo of Moscow

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May 8, 2013 | 02:05

again fell under suspicion publication “Smoking cannabis,” – said in a “tweet” the curator of the Russian-speaking sector encyclopedia Stanislav Kozlovsky. The representative office, Vladimir Peaks explained that the service failed to fulfill previous agreements. When the article came to register the first time, “Wikipedia” has changed its text to withdraw. Roskomandzor arrange it, but now on the site the same text that was used, say in the department.

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  • May 8, 2013 | 02:05

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Will execute Johar Tsarnaeva

While the Americans are opposed to Tsarnaev Tamerlane was buried in Boston, the fate of his younger brother – Johar, who, as it turned out, could avoid the death penalty.

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