Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Baikonur East will develop throughout the Far East Russia – Russian Newspaper

The President went on to tour the country. Yesterday he visited the Baikonur East and visited the new section of the highway “Amur” (Chita – Khabarovsk) near the town of Uglegorsk.

This road four years ago, Vladimir Putin drive the yellow “Lada-Kalina”. Now he came right at 1412-km helicopter. Length – more than two thousand kilometers, it connects the Chita and Khabarovsk, and at the same time – with the rest of the Far Eastern regions of the country. Transport Minister Maxim Sokolov assured that by October, the road will be in the regulatory state. Likely there will be more than 300 roadside infrastructure.

The President went to the cafe and talked with local residents affected by the floods last year. New homes, they were happy. “There was a blessing in disguise” – happy people. In gratitude, the head of state was given a picture of St. George.

The President also visited the construction site Vostochny cosmodrome. Roskosmos head Oleg Ostapenko proposed to reduce the amount of capability for launching “Angara”. “Four heavy rocket launch – I think it’s not entirely rational. Necessary to make two starts – one at Plesetsk and one – here,” he -poyasnil. The remaining funds, he said, it is possible to concentrate on the heavyweight rocket, to its production can begin next year.

“This is the largest national project that will allow us to go out into space, already in deep space, no matter from some sites, which are outside the territory of the Russian Federation “, – Putin said at a meeting on the spaceport. “The state has invested in this project a lot of money,” – he stressed. And the effect would be multiplicative. That is supposed to and training in place, and the development of infrastructure, including road and rail, and the empowerment of industry in Siberia and the Far East. “Overall, this is something that can be a very good impetus for the development of the Far East of the country,” – concluded Putin.

The current network of spaceports allow Russia to strengthen its status as one of the leading space powers. Here, in the Far East, it will create a powerful scientific-industrial complex and, therefore, will be an additional incentive for investment and job creation. On the eve of the president of the regional development plan discussed at a meeting in Yakutia. “The new launch site just had to be one of those points of growth”, – he said yesterday. Since 2011, for this purpose it was sent to more than 100 billion rubles and 50 billion will be allocated in 2015.

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“All periods, stages of development of the project must be met,” – set the task of the head of state. “It is important to avoid any delays or failures in its financing,” – he stressed. Be sure that there was no undue enlargement. Already in 2015, the East must be prepared to launch an unmanned spacecraft to the launch vehicle of the middle class “Soyuz-2″, and in 2018 – to implement the manned space programs. In the future capacity will be built up for launch vehicle heavy and superheavy classes used to implement programs to explore the Moon, Mars and other space objects.

Already in 2015, the East must be prepared to launch an unmanned spacecraft

The development of the spaceport should go along with the development of modern social infrastructure. “That was not, as in the past, even the Soviet, the years that it is done in the least, or not done at all, or for the account of this something else is built – with the understanding that it will be possible to clear the state of the extra money” – the president warned. Builders and future employees of the spaceport with families have to live in a comfortable home environment? that is, at the time you need to build and B, and kindergartens, and schools. “Today we saw from the helicopter – a row of houses have already been laid, working on them. How much there, eight houses? And should be 40 On 12 thousand inhabitants is to be calculated, and is now only 3.5 thousand of these homes up,” – he brought an example of deficiencies.

The development of ground infrastructure, it is important to synchronize the development of advanced space technology. Do it to be the Joint Rocket and Space Corporation (ACCD). There is a persistent problem, Putin said. In Samara, in July the President instructed to prepare a draft decree on the powers of the corporation. “Until something I draft of this document do not see – he said. – Let’s talk about where this project and when it will be on my desk.” Putin also recalled the instruction to develop a financial recovery plan of some enterprises ACCD to catch to make provisions for its implementation in the budget for 2015.

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To begin the construction of the launch complex “Angara” this year at the meeting suggested Ostapenko. And after the meeting, the journalists went Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin, and said that the decision of the president of the commission for the coordination of activities at the spaceport will be headed by him, but not the head of the Russian Space Agency, and now the construction of this facility – the business of government. “In this extremely important question you need to put a very strict order to teach it to anyone,” – he said.

The president gave preliminary “good” for the development of super-heavy rocket carrying up to 150 tons, also said Rogozin. “This means that after the development of the entire family of launch vehicles” Angara “light, medium and heavy classes we pass by the creation of an entirely new class of rocket – or 7 or 15 or 25 tons of payload, and 120-150 tons of payload” – he said.


Vladimir Putin dismissed the leaders of the two units of the Office of Presidential Affairs: Chief of the Federal Property and Alexei Konyushkov Head of the Main operational management of the presidential administration Alexander Gladyshev.

Baikonur east today and tomorrow

The area reserved territory of the cosmodrome East is 1035 km 2 . It is created not far from the disbanded in 2007 Svobodny and residential town – in the city Uglegorsk. Planned construction of ten technical and providing sites. According to the plans, up to 2030 in the East will be set up at least three satellite launch facility. Underway and planned to build complexes under rocket “Soyuz-2″ light and the middle class, “Angara” – heavy class and yet unnamed – superheavy.

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rocket “Soyuz-2″ will provide injection into low orbit payload up to 8.4 tons, sun-synchronous – up to 4.6 tons. Heavy class – into low orbit automatic weighing up to 25 tons, manned transport spacecraft new generation of weighing more than 20 tons and a payload of up to 5.2 tons – to geostationary orbit.

In order to ensure guaranteed Russia’s access to space and the implementation of the ambitious program is expected to perform the work in 2025, which will provide over the next five years, the creation of space rocket and rocket superheavy load capacity of 80 tons or more. Will be built airfield, oxygen-nitrogen plant, hydrogen plant, power supply system, 115 km of roads and 125 km of railways. The first unmanned launch is scheduled for 2015, piloted – 2018.

Natalia Yachmennikova


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