Today it became known that in Russia came Pavel Durov. As the former PR-manager “VKontakte” Vladislav Tsypluhin, Durov is in Russia on business-related “VKontakte”. Durov must sign an agreement to sell the data center “VKontakte”, handing it to new owners of social networks.
«He came briefly to make a deal for the sale of the data center” Vkontakte “. Linger in Russia is not planning to, “- said a source close to the deal. It is worth noting that after the sale of the data center Pavel Durov will no longer have even a formal relationship to the social network, which he founded and developed for many years.
Now Durov settled abroad where involved, in particular, the creation of social networks “DrugiMobile” focused exclusively on the mobile operating system. How successful will the project is uncertain. For example, his project Telegram until it shows how some significant successes. For PR messenger was involved even former porn star Sasha Grey, but so far failed to popularize Telegram.
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