Sunday, November 2, 2014

Scientists: teleportation and time travel will be possible to top XXII century – BFM.Ru

Even after 15 years it will be possible to travel tourists into space

British scientists predict that “the sci-fi technology,” such as those shown in the movie “Star Wars” “Back to the Future” and the Harry Potter saga, can become a reality in the lifetime of today’s students. About this newspaper writes Mail Online.

According to scientists, a journey through time has to be considered a fait accompli. “The record of 0.02 seconds put Russian cosmonaut Sergei Krikalev. Although it is not too impressive term, it clearly shows that time travel is possible, and that in the future may increase the duration of their “- gives the publication the words of one of the scientists.

How to find the staff at Imperial College London and the University of Glasgow, weekly time travel in 2100 – a rather optimistic forecast, but the teleportation may become commonplace already by 2080.

The survey was conducted by scientists commissioned by “Fair Big Bang” – the biggest event in the UK, dedicated to the promotion of science and technology among young people. Together with scientists, sociologists interviewed school children: the deadlines established by schoolchildren, almost no different from the forecast of experts. Teens believe that teleportation will be possible in 63 years. As participants in the survey, no fundamental laws of physics do not prohibit teleportation, but to imagine the scale of the problem, it should be noted that the human body consists of billions of atoms, say respondents.

Another “magic” thing may be available in 15 years. We are talking about the invisibility cloak, which are shown in the Harry Potter films. According to Chris Phillips, Professor of Experimental Solid State Physics, one of the ways to create such a cloak could be the development of adaptive camouflage, which would take a picture of the background on which the person or object, and move it to the front, so that the figure ” dissolved “to the air. Scientists believe modern technologies like bulk printing brings us closer to the creation of such new items, but the difficulty is that the fiber structure of the adaptive masking system must be located on mikrorasstoyaniyah from each other.

Also in 2015, according to scientists may become a reality passenger flights into space. The company Virgin Galactic has been developing the project suborbital flights and transportation for such travel. Ship SpaceShip Two, is supposed to be flying at an altitude of 110 km, and the space tourists will be able to experience a feeling of weightlessness.

About 20% of students said they would like to participate in the design of the lightsaber, 22% expressed the desire to work of teleportation, and more than a quarter tend to devote himself to the study of movement in time. “Big Bang Fair” will be held in Birmingham in March 2015.

Today it became known that the Chinese spacecraft to orbit the moon, returned to Earth. The launch was held in preparation for the final phase of the Chinese lunar program.


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