Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Alferov: as head of the RAS allows you to change the situation in the country in science - BBC

post of President of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) gives a person the opportunity to improve the situation of science in the country, as the head of the Academy will be considered, said Tuesday at a press conference, Vice-President of the Russian Academy of Sciences, a candidate for head of the Academy of Sciences Alferov .

election of a new president will be held on May 29 at a general meeting of the Academy. They will participate in the four candidates: the incumbent president Yury Osipov, vice-president of RAS Alexander Alferov and Nekipelov, academician Vladimir Forts.

Alferov said that the first time he was asked to run for president of Russian Academy of Sciences in 2001, after the scientist was awarded the Nobel Prize. Then he refused.

«And when we started this election, to me, too, began to address many, I say,” Well, that’s you! And my age is not the same. ” And then I thought, weighed all … If, say, your humble servant becomes president, then perhaps I will have to give up any of its advisory heap of things and other things. And, perhaps, in the financial situation I lose. But this position allows you to change the situation in science in the country, it will certainly be a lot more … And so, after weighing all of this, I decided that’s such a difficult, difficult decision, “- said vice-president of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

According Alferov, science – the major cause of the country and his own life.

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