Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Scientists have found on the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean traces of sunken continent - Reuters

The ocean. Archive

TOKYO, May 7 – RIA Novosti, Xenia Naka. A group of Japanese and Brazilian scientists using manned submersibles “Shinkai 6500″ found at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean traces possibly sunken continent, said Tuesday the Japanese Agency Science and Technology of the sea and land.

At a depth of 900 meters above the sea driven bathyscaphe “Shinkai 6500″ detects an open, geodesic analysis which revealed the presence of granite and quartz, with only overwater continental origin. Scientists estimate that the ocean floor in this area is a huge part of the land, which could well be the continent – its width is 1000 kilometers. It is a “chip”, formed about 100 million years ago in the separation of Africa and South America on two continents, which sank tens of millions of years ago.

detailed study of the bottom area – in the future, but right now in the media expressed bold hypotheses about the relationship of the continent with the legend of the sunken Atlantis. However, scientists have not yet found it no signs of ancient civilizations.

“By the time characteristics (discovered Mainland) differs from the legendary, but we can say that we have found a plateau with the same features as that of Atlantis. Now we proceed to a detailed study of the process of his education, “- said in an interview with the newspaper” Mainichi “research team leader Hiroshi Kitadzato.

Expedition submersibles “Shinkai 6500″ began in January. During this time he studied the bottom of the Indian Ocean, and in April started a joint study with Brazilian scientists bottom area of ??1.5 thousand kilometers to the south-east of Rio de Janeiro. The expedition, dubbed “QUELLE” – depth study of flora and fauna as well as the structure of the ocean floor and its topography. After the Atlantic Ocean bathyscaphe will move to the Caribbean and complete the voyage in the Pacific.

Along with the Russian “Mir-1″, “Mir-2″ and the French “Nautile” Japanese bathyscaphe “Shinkai 6500″ can dive to a depth of over 6,000 meters. On board can accommodate two pilots and one researcher.

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