Friday, May 3, 2013

Muholet, which is still tied up - BBC

overcome many technical obstacles, a group of researchers from Harvard University has created a “muholet” – a flying robot that resembles the size and weight of housefly and copying of its aircraft. Muholet is still “tied” because it does not have its own source of energy, but flies very confident, knows how to hang on one place and obeys commands well.

Harvard University scientists reported in the journal Science they have created a device that is unlikely to pass unnoticed. This is a flying robot created in the image of house flies of the order Diptera ( diptera ), having the same wings, like hers, and as close as possible to the original, albeit simplified, management mechanism.

It may sound surprising but it flies among all other flying creatures on Earth are considered champions in the art of flying. The fly swatter easily avoids strike, she is able to gently land on a flower, the wind rushing, and loop the loop, barrel or bunting, it does not show, probably only because these stunts her unnecessarily. How is it possible to still be a mystery, and only recently has this mystery gradually began to slightly open.

A floating underwater robot with a sensor fulfilling the function of the lateral line in fish

fish robot with a brain from a smart phone

floating underwater robot with a sensor that performs the function of the lateral line in fish, developed with the participation of scientists from Latvia and Estonia. Now robots can … ?

group of researchers from the Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences and Wyss Institute under the direction of Professor Kevin Ma decided to look into the intricacies of flies flying experimentally by creating a robot that duplicates the flight.

The task before them was not simple. Existing technology is not designed for such dimensions – fly too high for advanced microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) operating 1-100 micron sizes too small for conventional methods as for structure and for their assembly. Meanwhile ideally should be done wings having as wings fly three rotational freedom of motion – along the rotation axis of the wing, along the rotation movement and the rotation axis body. In the end, the researchers settled on two freedoms of movement – their “muholet” can rotate the plane of the wings and they can swing up and down.

researchers have been able to achieve this with the help they have developed “smart” composite materials and piezoelectric materials that carry an electrical charge to the mechanical stress, the shape-changing mechanical “muscle».

Powered by artificial bat wing

wings for Batman

Scientists have created an artificial bat’s wing. Now they know how the animal flight controls, and hope to create a mouse-plane. The study … ?

Fly robot the result was a success – it weighs 80 milligrams, can do 120 beats per second, compared with one hundred and thirty, which are characteristic of normal fly with the amplitude of flapping its wings at 120 degrees compared with 150 degrees in the same weight flies.


flights shown that “muholet” spends flight 19 milliwatts of power, which is comparable to conventional energy consumption flies the same size.

As already mentioned, their own source of energy “muholet” has not, so electricity is supplied to it from the surface through a special ultra-light cable. Despite this, the in-flight fly-robot enjoyed complete freedom of movement.

He could be in the air as much as necessary, could move up and down, move horizontally and hover in one spot.

caterpillar robot, created in 1820 would be a unique gift for the New Year

Gold robot caterpillar

In 1820, the Swiss watchmaker Henri Meyllerdet created a mechanical robot caterpillar for sale aristocrats from China. This is an automatic device … ?

course, each instance (of their first five presentations) had its “character”, their ability to listen to steering, so each of them, the scientists say, should adjust themselves. However, they are all quite obediently carried the serving team.

main purpose of this research and development has been amazing for scientists to understand the aerodynamic characteristics of the flight of insects, these natural aircraft with flapping wings. Scientists hope that by means of secret unusually brisk two-winged flies aerobatics will be resolved soon.

But it will be truly amazing if their development even before most will not show a keen interest in intelligence and defense structures – in fact they presented a prototype of the ideal scout, which is almost impossible to detect and can penetrate into any slot all to hear and see everything.

Scout that the mass production and mass availability can change our lives much better than it ever has changed the Internet.

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