Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Repair "Aurora" will cost 1 billion rubles - - BFM.Ru

K & # x440; eyser The cruiser” Aurora “, St. Petersburg. Photo: RIA Novosti

Repair cruiser “Aurora” will take at least two years and will cost a billion rubles, the adviser to the Governor of St. Petersburg, Captain 1st Rank Igor Kurdin.

See also : What do you dream about, the cruiser “Aurora»

for “Aurora” no money was sorry, because this is not just a monument to the revolution, I’m sure columnist for the magazine “Ogonek” Dmitry Gubin: “In every large port city to be a place from which the boys go crazy. For example, an old ship, an old submarine, the Artillery Museum, the former Arsenal in St. Petersburg, where the upper floor are not only stairs and ramps, and the boy realizes that there is a horse dragged the heavy cast-iron guns. And if we ignore the stories with a shot during the October coup in 1917, the cruiser “Aurora” – the same toy, which, of course, at some point in life requires every resident of St. Petersburg. This cruiser absolutely fantastic story: the story of its creation, the story of his involvement in the war in 1905 in the Far East. A museum in the cruiser should be, as far as I can remember, photography old commander of the cruiser during the Russian-Japanese war, which has been set in a melted piece of armor, a broken Japanese shell. The boy must be taken for the wheel to climb the bridge. It is from this point of view, the cruiser “Aurora” – this is the greatest happiness and unique objects in the Russian Federation. Of course, do not feel sorry for any money to support him afloat ».

According to the governor’s adviser, “Aurora” will dock and factory repairs with maximum preservation of the historic appearance of the ship. Wardroom will be retrofitted as to obtain a training class for cadets who will be able to live and study in the forecastle, passing the ship’s first practice at the legendary ship.

Billion – that’s a small price, it would be nice to have to raise the bottom of the Gulf of Finland, the historical part of the cruiser, a political analyst Valery Ostrovsky.

«Cruiser Her Majesty” Bristol “is still honored in British docks, the battleship” Missouri “- the same thing. “Aurora” is not only symbolizes a blank shot at the Winter Palace, but first and foremost part in the Russian-Japanese war, which has recently become very relevant in connection with the negotiation of the Kuril Islands. The fate of the cruiser – a special theme for reconstruction in the 70-80′s “Aurora” was nearly sawed, the historical part is resting on the bottom of the Gulf of Finland. Obviously. Now it would be appropriate to raise this historic piece and rivet it to the remakes, which, in fact, is the current “Aurora”. In any case, the money big, but I do not think it enough to go back “Aurora” is fully historic character – such as it descended from British stocks ».

Soon cruiser “Aurora” will return to the Navy. The crew will consist of 16 soldiers and 16 people on free hire. Cruiser, as before, will be part of the Red Banner of the Leningrad Naval Base.

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