Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Surkov said in London that the dreams of stagnation - BBC Russian

Vladislav Surkov: the government has shown a long-awaited stiffness

In Russia there is no stagnation, which is a pity. Sovereign democracy – is primarily open to foreign investment. And the Russian system of government defeated the opposition. These comments came during a speech by Russian Deputy Prime Minister Surkov in London.

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In Russia there is no stagnation, which is a pity. Sovereign democracy – is primarily open to foreign investment. And the Russian system of government defeated the opposition. These statements were made during the speech of Vice-Premier of the Russian government, Vladislav Surkov at the London School of Economics (LSE).

Sharp Questions voiced only by the representatives of the British media. Students interested in the main job prospects in Russia and the Future Fund “Skolkovo”.

“I – Russian”

In my own lecture Surkov arrived 10 minutes late – just at the moment when the audience began to discuss how Vladislav Y. similar in this respect to his patron, President Vladimir Putin, known for its long delays.

At this time outside the building LSE held a protest of the opposition movement “Speak louder.” Wearing a mask Surkov and holding a stuffed vice-premier of papier-mâché, the protesters demanded to be included in the “Magnitsky list”.

small hall in Clement House in central London – on the one hundred and fifty seats – was filled with only two thirds of that is not very typical for LSE: more willing to get a lecture on the invited speakers is much more than the seats. Most of the participants were students from Russia: headphones with simultaneous interpretation put on the strength of a dozen people.

“I will be speaking in Russian, and I do not apologize for it, because I’m Russian,” – once said Surkov. “My English is not good enough”, – he explained.

I’m not the poor man, I worked in the business for 10 years and, if necessary, more work to do. I was successful in business before the arrival of the Presidential Administration, in their field, I was one of the most successful

Vladislav Surkov

Topic deputy prime minister has been declared as the “Innovation in Russia: Plans and Prospects”, but the first thing he mentioned that the lectures will not.

“I do not think it is possible to teach us here,” – said Surkov and offered go directly to the issues that’s confusing hall: guest lecturers usually at least five minutes give the opening address, to introduce himself and to outline the range of possible issues.

“I am absolutely ready to answer any questions,” – said Surkov, and immediately rose into the air a few hands.

“I’m not the poor man”

The first question asked was about Press corruption scandal in the fund “Skolkovo” .

19 April Russia’s Investigative Committee opened a criminal case against a senior vice president of the Alexis Beltyukova on suspicion of embezzling 750,000 dollars, and after that the fund Press sued the State Duma deputy Ilya Ponomarev , has received the money.

first five minutes, Vladislav Surkov did not answer the question, and explained to the audience what the “Skolkovo” and touted the benefits of the future “Russian Silicon Valley”.

Vladislav Surkov at the London School of Economics

According to Surkov, the TFR does the project “Skolkovo” irreparable damage to reputation in the eyes of potential investors

lamented the fact that Russia is not a Steve Jobs, the Deputy Prime Minister admitted that the country’s economy rests on two pillars: the export of raw materials and importing finished goods. “Skolkovo”, he said, should reverse this situation by bringing Russia into the world market of ideas and innovation. In this case, Surkov said separately that can only develop an open economy, so one of the conditions of work in the “Skolkovo” is the presence of foreign partners.

“I believe that the” Skolkovo “is one of the cleanest projects from the point of view of possible abuse – he finally came to answering the question. – In Russia say that the fish rots from the head. So, we did not head rotten, and consequently, much lower purer than in many other Russian projects “.

President of “Skolkovo” Viktor Vekselberg, according to Surkov’s so rich that he would not soil oneself for the sake of a few hundred thousand dollars, “He’s already earned, he’s already quite a few years, he thinks nothing of their mission – and what will be written about it afterwards “.

“I, too, so – after a pause, said Deputy Prime Minister. – I’m not the poor man, I worked in the business for 10 years and, if necessary, more work to do. I was successful in business before the arrival of the Presidential Administration, in their field, I was one of the most successful “.

“Skolkovo”: wait for court

course, where public money is spent, can be abused, he admitted, because “Skolkovo” build not angels, but human beings. But exactly the same thing is happening all over the world, in large multinational corporations. But still, none of them are closed due to a corruption scandal.

“If a pig you spoiled reputation, it does not mean that all of your business should be multiplied by zero – hard Surkov said. – You just have to kick this pig. And work on”.

As for the current situation in the “Skolkovo” added one of the most influential Russian officials, there is no fraud proven fact – there are only assumptions of the Investigation Committee on two facts.

“We must get to court – he stressed. – and understand the court, it’s a crime or not a crime”.

All publications on this subject, according to Surkov – only the result of excessive activity of the Investigative Committee, whose members do not realize that their “energetic work” cause irreparable reputational damage to the project in the eyes of potential investors.

“And of course, in my view, so to speak loudly about violations – until a court decision – maybe wrong” – he concluded.

Transition sovereign democracy

This is the concept of [sovereign democracy] need to understand modern, but not as insulation. This is what was sent to work with this term. implementing it in Russia, we have tried to prove that it is possible to remain a sovereign nation, while being open

Vladislav Surkov

was rather unexpected answer to a question about the concept of sovereign democracy, the author or co-author of which is considered to be Vladislav Surkov.

First Surkov said he did not invent the concept, but only borrowed it from American and Italian political scientists. And then even stated that sovereign democracy – it’s not what people think about her and the journalists write.

“It is necessary to understand the concept of modern, – said Surkov – not as isolated. This is what was sent to work with this term. implementing it in Russia, we have tried to prove that it is possible to be a sovereign country, while being open” .


in Britain do not need to explain, said Deputy Prime Minister, and in Russia is still ongoing transition. After all, 30 years ago, the sovereignty of the country was understood as a complete insulation, and it can and should save in other ways.

“In this sense, the task was to prove that foreign investment is not dangerous for Russia, but rather useful”, – assured the guest of the London School of Economics.

course, there are strategic sectors where the state should not let foreign investors, he added – for example, recently the U.S. company is not allowed to buy Russian company engaged in the development of vaccinations. But this is a worldwide practice, Surkov assured – the main thing that these industries were little.

Not enough stagnation

Asked by British journalist that did not turn to the stability of stagnation in Russia, Surkov said that there is no stagnation does not see.

Can not we somehow stagnation. would be happy to, but do not give it! So you do not give to their global financial crisis, the Caucasus, with its … It is a pity that there is no stagnation and relax once

Vladislav Surkov

“Putin in power for a third term – he recalled. – Blair, if I remember correctly, was elected three times. Merkel now, apparently, the third time will be the chancellor of Germany. These questions no one asked.”

“Life in Russia is very turbulent, dynamic, very disturbing, and we have a lot of problems, we have a lot of trouble – he said. – I’d love to stagnation”.

Stasis allows the authorities to relax, said Deputy Prime Minister, and now have to work very hard.

“Can not we somehow stagnation. would be happy to, but do not give it! So you do not give to their global financial crisis, the Caucasus with its … pity that there is no stagnation and no time to rest,” – concluded Vladislav Surkov .

One of the major challenges now facing the country, he added Surkov, is “out of the paradigm of military and raw power,” and for this it is necessary to do everything possible, otherwise the country has no future.

“If we need a militarized country, where the main thing – it’s all checked, then this is one trend. If we need a country where you can do, where you can be free and create for each other useful things, products and services, it is quite another strategic choice “- said Deputy Prime Minister.

“I believe that this is an existential choice. This is not a flavor choice, a choice of existence. It’s either there or it is not,” – he added.

“The long-awaited stiffness”

Do you really have the feeling that after the meetings in December 2011 the old system collapsed No, she beat the opposition. This fact

Vladislav Surkov

When asked about the state of the political system in Russia after mass protests Surkov said firmly: the system is not broken, it exists and it “has survived elections in 2011″.

“Do you really have the feeling that after the meetings in December 2011 the old system collapsed No, she beat the opposition. This is a fact,” – he said.

Changes in the system does not mean the elimination of poverty, assured Surkov. Just the thing that showed management system in Russia over the last year – is the ability to change. Seeing that there are dissenters, the system is adapted.

“She finally showed rigidity – the long-awaited stiffness! – in relation to the extremists. Finally, those who thought it possible to beat cops are punished,” – he said, apparently referring to the defendants’ case Swamp ” .

But he expressed confidence that the ruling party “United Russia” must exist in a competitive environment, and recalled that Russia has recently greatly simplified registration of new parties.

It would be nice to create a second major party, as in many developed countries, said Surkov. And the government can and should help with this: “what’s wait until something will develop spontaneously”.

“I am confident that our political system is in step with our society. It is part of it and all its institutions are rooted in their heads. Our political system reflects the state of the soul and mentality of the Russian people,” – said Deputy Prime Minister.

“It reflects the evolution of society – to the extent in which it took place. Nothing more, nothing less,” – concluded Surkov.

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