Monday, May 6, 2013

Singer Sarah Brightman will fly into space in 2015 - TVNZ


Monday, May 6, the Federal Space Agency (Roscosmos) has reported that it has reached an agreement with the American company Space Adventures Ltd about space tourist to visit the ISS .

Dream British singer Sarah Brightman to visit space will come true – flight is scheduled for October 2015 . As stated in the agency, Roscosmos now discussing with Space Adventures Ltd «policy issues of the project.” To develop and approve all stages of preparation and staying singer on board the ISS.

In this earlier Roskosmos head Vladimir Popovkin said that Sarah Brightman can fly to the ISS as space tourists only in the short-term expeditions lasting 8 days.


Sarah Brightman – English singer. Known for her performance brought the major parties in the musicals “Cats” and “Phantom of the Opera”, with music written by her ex-husband Andrew Lloyd Webber. Sarah’s age does not bother doctors in charge of the training space crews – the first space tourist Dennis Tito flew to the stars in ’61.


Sweet Sarah Brightman will be space tourist?

amusing news: the company Space Adventures (engaged in negotiations with those who want to go on a trip to outer space) is in talks with the 52-year-old British singer Sarah Brightman on her flight to the International Space Station (read more)

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