Monday, May 6, 2013

Sarah Brightman still fly into space - -

C # & x430; Mr. Brightman Sun e-still fly & # x432; space

Sarah Brightman will carry out his cherished dream, she will fly into space. Year and month of committing momentous flight became clear. Roskosmos has reached a tentative agreement with the company Space Adventures, which represents, in this matter, the interests of the singer. Most likely, it will be able to fly in October 2015, with the statement issued press service of Russian Federal Space Agency. Although there is a chance that everything can change.

Singer said: “We were finally able to reach an agreement. I honestly did not believe that we can agree. Flight, possibly in 2015. Roscosmos has already begun to carry out all the necessary procedures for its implementation ».

Press Service of the Russian Federal Space Agency, said: “In a short time we will discuss all aspects of the upcoming flight. Develop and approve a program of training and staying Sarah Brightman in space and on the ISS ».

remind the commander of the crew that will take the singer to the ISS will be Sergei Volkov, the other two members of the crew are still unknown. While the singer did not sign any documents, it is expected that they will sign it in 2015.

In October 2012 Sarah Brightman said she wanted to go to the ISS as a space tourist. Some people assumed that she wants to make a flight in order to advertise his new album.

In 2015, the singer is already 55 years old, which means that it will enter the top 20 of the world’s oldest astronauts. She was born August 14, 1960.

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