Thursday, May 2, 2013

Surkov told about the purity of "Skolkovo" and the victory of the regime over the opposition, the Moscow City Council agreed to a meeting on May 6 - Finam

Russian Deputy Prime Minister, Head of Government Staff Vladislav Surkov today by the London School of Economics and Political Science. It was assumed that the Deputy Prime Minister will deliver a lecture, “Innovation in Russia: Plans and Prospects”, however, saying he did not feel able to teach those present, Surkov immediately went to answer the questions.

And the very first was the question of the fate of the “Skolkovo” in connection with a corruption scandal erupted there for embezzling $ 750 million fund called the Deputy Chairman of the Government, “one of the cleanest projects from the point of view of possible abuse.” According to him, the president of the Victor Vekselberg is so rich that it makes no sense to steal. Surkov said that where public money is spent, of course, can be abused – but that does not mean that because of a “pig” is necessary to close all the initiative, you just need to kick this “pig”. The official said that while talking about the crime in the “Skolkovo” early – there are only guesses the Investigative Committee, which threw too violent activity, not realizing how badly damaged the image of the fund. It should be noted that due to the misapplication of funds sued Ilya Ponomarev, a member of the “Fair Russia” h eld in the “Left Front”.

Deputy Prime Minister said that in Russia there is stability, but there is no stagnation. Putin, in power for just the third time – it’s a little bit. In addition, a lot of the problems of the Russian Federation, the global financial crisis, the concern in the Russian Caucasus – life is rough, dynamic, said the official, he would be happy to stagnation, but it is not, and we have to work very much. One of the main tasks facing Russia – this is a way out of the paradigm of military and raw power, otherwise the country has no future. Surkov believes that we need Russia, where it is possible to create, to be free and create for each other useful things, products and services. And not militarized country, where all the main check.

in Russia’s political system has won the opposition, said Surkov. However, he believes that the system has changed, but not eliminated. She showed “the long-awaited cruelty”, and fined extremists, he said, apparently referring to the arrests by the “swamp” the cause. Also, Deputy Prime Minister assured that the ruling “United Russia” must exist in a competitive environment – for this purpose has recently been a very simplified system of registration of new parties. The country needs a second major party, and the state can and should help its occurrence. He also believes that the Russian political system is marching in lockstep with the society, it is part of it, it is “rooted in the minds”.

Today, the Moscow City Council allowed the opposition to hold a rally on May 6 on Bolotnaya Square , but the authorities refused to march, reported in his blog, Sergei Udaltsov, leader of the opposition movement, staying under house arrest after last year’s campaign. Udaltsov wrote that the campaign “For Freedom!” will begin at 18.00 and end at 21.30. Town Hall meeting agreed on by 30 thousand people and ensures that in the event of overflow embankment will be opened on Bolotnaya Square area. In 2012, the share of the Swamp area turned into a clash with riot police, beating the marchers and the police, as well as dozens of arrests – 27 “extremists” are currently under investigation.

National Olympic Committee of Georgia today unanimously voted in favor of the country’s participation in the Olympic Winter Games in Sochi in 2014, according to the website NOC. MEET noted that, yes, Russia invaded Georgia, but it should not have anything to do with the boycott of the Sochi Games – politics and sports should be distanced from each other in this case. Georgia broke off diplomatic relations with Russia after the 2008 Russian party has recognized the independence of Abkhazia and South Ossetia, which Tbilisi considers its territory. Recently, the relationship between the two countries there has been warming.

Meanwhile Parliamentary Committee on Foreign Affairs and Trade of Ireland has decided not to adopt a strong resolution on the “Magnitsky list” and thus does not accept financial and visa restrictions on 18 Russian officials. The outcome document adopted by the Parliamentary Committee, contains only an expression of “concern” for the death of Sergei Magnitsky – a Russian lawyer of Hermitage Capital, and a call to reopen the investigation. Moscow has previously threatened Ireland’s difficulties with the adoption of children, if the country will move in the footsteps of the U.S., where “list” is valid.

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