Monday, May 6, 2013

"VKontakte" was named a leader in the promotion of suicide - Russian Newspaper

leader in promoting suicide Russian segment of the Internet is a social network “VKontakte” according to “Herald”, referring to the company “Integrum” engaged in monitoring social media.

According to a study conducted by the company, the number of reports of suicide that are available in the public domain, is a leader Runeta “VKontakte”, second place was the microblogging service Twitter, as a third position was taken by video hosting YouTube. Least of all suicides topic covered in the blogosphere, to which the authors of the study include Livejournal, BlogSpot,, and other resources.

Thus, while the share of “VKontakte” About 66 percent of reported suicides, while the share of Twitter and YouTube accounted for 18 and 7 percent, respectively. In addition, experts’ Integrum “counted in” VKontakte “in 1340 devoted to suicide communities.

Note that YouTube and Google, in the opinion of Epidemiology, is one of the main distributors of illegal content in RuNet. In total, since the beginning of November 2012 until the end of April 2013 the hotline received 1,804 treatment Rospotrebnadzora marked “suicide.” May 6 at the Moscow arbitration court held a hearing on the suit to YouTube Rospotrebnadzor to overturn the decision agencies have recognized one of the clips on the video sharing instructions for suicide. Upon review of the case, the court rejected the claim of the American company.

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