Friday, December 20, 2013

Bolivia launched its first space satellite - RBC - RBC.Ru

Bolivia was launched into space on the country’s first telecommunication satellite, reports BBC BBC. Satellite called “Tupac Katari” in honor of the national hero of Indian origin, who fought with the Spanish colonial rule.

launch took place in the center of launching satellites in Sichane (PRC). Thus, Bolivia was one of the last countries in South America, has launched its own telecommunications satellite. The cost of the spacecraft was $ 302 million, its construction was funded by the China Development Bank.

According to President Evo Morales, Bolivia satellite launch will make more independent. Bolivian leader said that the satellite “is our light, after many years spent in the dark, under the yoke of Empires».


capital of Bolivia La Paz crowd of thousands gathered in the city center to celebrate the launch of the satellite. The satellite will be operated with a March 2014

December 21, 2013

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