Wednesday, July 29, 2015

WCCFtech: the release of Windows 10 will cause problems for Internet users – RIA Novosti

 People are testing Windows 10 in New Delhi, India >

© AP Photo / Saurabh Das

MOSCOW, July 29 – RIA Novosti. use the new operating system Windows 10 can reduce Internet speed, according to the article on the website WCCF tech.

Microsoft has reserved the channel capacity of 40 terabytes per second (Tb / s) for distribution of its new operating system (OS) Windows 10, but on the eve of the official launch of the OS already has been consumed more 10 TB / s. Portal notes that the parallel is to download updates of Apple, which leads to the consumption of 8 TB / s.

As a result, the load on the network will be so high that the speed of Internet downloads significantly reduced.

“In the first week is potentially greater download than at any other time in the future. Analysts believe that we can test problems with the use of the Internet. While it certainly will not be able to “break the internet”, this will break the record of Internet traffic “- writes portal.

The company on Wednesday launched a Microsoft operating system Windows 10, which It enables you to control devices via voice commands, gestures, or written notes. The transition to the new OS is free for a year for users who is a licensed version of one of the previous operating systems – Windows 7, or Windows 8 / 8.1.


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