Thursday, December 31, 2015

Physical exercise during childhood can improve the brain – Scientists – NevaInfo

According to the researchers the University of Colorado, in the human digestive tract is home to 100 trillion bacteria that are known to be fundamental to the functioning of the body.

The man in the body there is a considerable number of microbes that after the person was born, have unique properties. During the research it was found that the composition of the intestinal bacteria directly affect the functioning of the brain and provides an antidepressant effect. Physical exercise increases the activity of beneficial intestinal bacteria, which subsequently affects the brain.

As it turned out, the young rats, which led an active lifestyle, the composition of the intestinal bacteria was significantly better due to the growing number of probiotic bacteria.

The American scientists, based on the results of the next series of experiments, claim that children need as early as possible before starting to play sports. In slow-moving rodent brain function represented not so active.

Moderate exercise and a number of exercises performed in childhood, influence the development of brain function and ultimately how biologists concluded Colorado.


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