Act of Sciences was the result of a collision between two extremes – the scientific and commercial
recent months, the debate about the bill on the reform of the Russian Academy of Sciences was like “roller coaster”: A Case reform advocates and skeptics then cast into the abyss, then suddenly lifted up to the top. But here’s the smoke cleared, and you can see the line of compromise. Finally formulated new fundamentals of basic science in Russia.
Great things require a lot of sense, but not the time. In 1724, Peter I gave the royal physician Blumentrost only a few days to draft provisions on the Academy of Sciences and Arts, the task of formulating short and clear: “so that science and propagated in lutche state have been brought.” Given a document, the king made it their own amendments. As a result, Russian Academy of Sciences existed for almost three centuries, becoming one of the unique long-lived three times already changed the country. But recent years in and around the academy, and inside it sounded louder demands fundamental reforms – under the same motto of Peter.
Nowreforms came – This week the State Duma adopted in the third reading of the law “On the Russian Academy of Sciences, the reorganization of the state academies of sciences and Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation».
Along the way, Peter
ready documents just like in the time of Peter: wrote one – correcting others. But the name of the current “Blumentrost” – author of the original plan of a fundamental restructuring of Sciences – is held in the strictest confidence. And it’s humane, as received by the State Duma in the end of the spring session of the bill was horrified and outraged by virtually all the academic community – the author could hurt beat. However, all arrows point to the fact that the first (in the scientific community, he was named “impudent”) version of the law was developed in the depths of Minobra. But as the head of the Ministry of Education Livanov goes unharmed, his department seem to be able to remain anonymous authorship.
But “prime-creation” was that push, after which the best minds of the Russian Academy of Sciences are seriously engaged in the development plans of a real reform of the Academy, instead of the usual “academic”, that is unhurried talk about the need for change …
A time to talk was no more. In the elections of the President of Russian Academy of Sciences in the spring of this year, its current head of the (then only one of the three candidates) Vladimir Forts recognize that change is long overdue and overripe: “We need to move from survival strategies of RAS to its development strategy, focused on the construction of a modern Russian innovation economy.”
In our academy to be more science, less bureaucracy, more freedom, less conformist, more creativity and mobility … “And the general meeting supported his program, although Fortova opponent in the election was the only one in the current RAS Nobel laureate Jaures Alferov.
And in the anonymous authors of the proposed project of reforming the RAS academicians did not see a “more scientific” and “less property”, not “less red tape” and “more official”, not “more creativity” and “less technical capabilities” and later in the same spirit. The greatest scientists of the country claimed: the document turned out lopsided, does not solve the main problems faced by Russian science. There is almost no mention of the scientific work, the real effectiveness of research on social guarantees for scientists about the prospects. Meanwhile, members of parliament had to pass the bill in the second – mainly reading, when a document can be amended on the merits.
and demanded a special meeting of the heads of Russian Academy of Sciences Vladimir Fortova with Russian President Vladimir Putin to put everything in its place, to change the priorities already identified the main reform of the scientific community and the institutions of the country. “At the turning point the president took control in their hands. If this had not happened, the scientists now would be a very bad situation – said Vladimir Forts after the meeting. – If he had not, would have passed the first version of the law, as it would mean the death of the Academy … »
summer 2013
Specific amendments to the bill prepared in the Presidium of RAS all summer. As the story involved in this process, it was most difficult to find a real “positive” in the current academic practice that on this basis propose to change “their” reforms at “our”. Links to the glorious past is not helped by the current success – even more so. Consider that in real life, Russian Academy of Sciences is the chief scientific agency of the country. In its 395 institutes operate 95,000 people, but it is only 13% of total employment in the Russian science. From all the research budget of the country at a fraction of the RAS account for only 16% of the funds.
Another difficulty was that the most prominent achievements of Russian science – in the nuclear and space industries – to the structures of the Academy of Sciences had very little to do: most of these problems are solved in the “sharashkas” private research institutes and academic campuses.
Almost the only one where the priority of the Academy is undeniable – the fundamental science, where the share of the RAS account for 60% of the results. However, the “Nobel rating”, which is made mainly on the achievements in this area, Russia ranks only seventh place, with our 21 winners of the Nobel Prizes, of which science deals only half (seven physicists, two chemists, two medic). Meanwhile, in the United States – 276 Nobel laureates in the UK – 102, Germany – 77, France – 49 … And among the winners of many foreign Russians fled their homeland, and today come from Russia-the flower of many leading universities and other research centers in the world. The Americans have even appeared joke: “A typical lecture in mathematics at the American University – is when the Russian professor of Chinese students to read a lecture in English.”
Why are they successful “there” instead of here? The draft law on the reform of the Russian Academy of Sciences proposed to fundamentally change the system of management of research institutions – to come to the leadership of talented managers. Academics challenged – as a result of the RAS is now put forward candidates will be agreed in the Council for Science at the president, put to the vote in the team and only after approval by the agency. But the agency will not obey the Ministry of Education and Science and the Government of the Russian Federation. Will it scientific management system, time will tell.
In the new law made, and many other amendments proposed by academics. Chairman of the Duma Committee on Education United Russia Vyacheslav Nikonov lists: “The Academy requested that her right was enshrined research – is not only taken into account, this feature is enhanced by the Academy, because she got the right to coordinate research across the country, not only the Academy of Sciences, but in a system of higher education institutions, which are now in effect will be accountable to the Academy in its research activities. The Academy asked the status of a legal person for the office – and we have provided legal status and the status of the federal government budget institutions. The Academy asked to maintain the status of corresponding members – and this status is saved … »
According to MPs, the law does not hit only the amendments proposed by academics, for which the scientists were not able to come to an agreement. But the most important thing: the law is in many ways a “framework” character. “It is important that in the process of reforming the Academy of the scientific community itself has defined the rules of his future life, and then all will be placed in its proper place – says Education Minister Dmitry Livanov. – The law creates only a frame, like a painting, but inside there must be something written. And we will actively cooperate with scientists in order to “paint a picture”. And in the property plan, as the Minister assured the state will be responsible only for the safety and proper use of federal property.
assistant warden of All Science
The least talked academics (but a lot of thought) about the fate of the property Sciences: building institutions and laboratories, large tracts of land, hospitals, health centers, etc. Who will manage them? This question was not facing scientists in the Soviet times, when everything belonged to the state, controlled by the party organs, and the use of commercial practices do not exist at all. But in the collapse of the Soviet Union collapsed and the system of financing of science, together with the content of the material and technical basis of academic institutes. Instead of money to universities and scientific institutions were given wide latitude in making money for their own content.
But not every great scientist can be a good assistant warden – are two different professions. So in academic research were first merchants, first at the beck and call, then – in the leading roles. Somewhere today they are needed elsewhere – are comfortable. However, with increasing state funding for science and higher education, the need for the results of their activity decreased, and the activity is increasingly criminalize. And now, when there was talk about a comprehensive revision in the property complex of the Russian Academy of Sciences, for a considerable number of heads that sounded the death knell.
But there is another side to this “academic medals”: in the total corruption of our state apparatus is difficult to believe that the creation of a special agency under the order of academic assets not generate new dimension “rastaschilovku” in the image and likeness became famous throughout Russia memorable “Oboronservis . ” While here, with the help of President Vladimir Putin’s compromise: the first years of the new agency will be led by the President of Russian Academy of Sciences – part. Then we’ll see. And not only in the property section …
sum up, say, the new law is better than endless lamentations over the loss of Russian science. After all, it made the deplorable state to seek out a whole series of measures, including the unpopular ones. The head of state, taking a direct part in the development of the law made it clear that he will be keeping an eye to see to it how the update of Russian science.
Vladimir Kononov, the first deputy chairman of the Committee on Science and High Technology of the State Duma:
– From the moment the draft law on the RAS has been submitted to the Duma, the work on it was conducted almost around the clock. The amendments provided Duma factions and, most importantly, the scientific and academic community. In addition, as many know, there were two meetings of the RAS President Vladimir Fortova with the head of state. At these meetings was discussed (and very constructively) a number of fundamental questions.
Yes, change often accepted without enthusiasm and always meet resistance. But in this case, it is acutely relevant reform has become a major impetus to the debate ended with the result – the adopted law. I note that in this case were taken into account almost all the important comments and suggestions, questions, and most rational proposals. The Academy is not eliminated. Maintained continuity. Retained the legal status of the regional offices. Saved Institute of corresponding members, as requested scientists. A strong emphasi s is placed on the scientific component of the academy: scientific minds freed from non-core functions of property management and finance. Perhaps this is unusual, but instead suggested a far greater: the freedom of intellectual creativity, active work in the field of fundamental and, most importantly for me, and applied research for the benefit of our country!
Bunic Andrew, head of the Union of Russian entrepreneurs and tenants:
– I would not want to become a newly created agency in the State Property Committee of 90th and the beginning would be in the same spirit actively sell the property without regard to what in these areas are involved. In such cases, the commercial interest overshadows all others. Then the story will turn out to reform the Ministry of Defense with Serdyukov.
In my opinion, a special delicacy requires treatment with the humanities. Because the head of the Academy are historically physics and mathematics. And the officials easier to take in turnover institutions associated with the humanities. Finally, it should be understood that the spirit remained RAS scientific schools, at least, an alternative liberal spirit, which now dominates the social sciences and economics. I, as an economist, it’s alarming.
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