Wednesday, July 15, 2015

As Alexander Nevsky Swedes Rus “chasing” – Commander

Yesterday, July 15, 2015, marks 775 years since the Battle of the Neva. Our publication of this article has decided to recall the great commander Alexander Nevsky. Rate military talent and the contribution of the man in the history of the Russian state .

July 15, 1240 at the mouth of the river Izhora a battle between the militia and novogorodskim Swedes. This battle was called the Neva, and the commander of the Russian army of Prince Yaroslav nicknamed Nevsky Aleksndr.

In the battle on the one hand participated Novgorod militia under the command of Prince Alexander Yaroslavich, on the other – the Swedish squad. Alexander of Kostroma for the victory, and personal bravery in combat received an honorary nickname of “Nevsky».

Sources tell about the battle on the Neva, very few. This First Novgorod Chronicle senior bringeth several options

Story of the Life of Alexander Nevsky, and later First Novgorod Chronicle younger recension, depending on the first two sources. In the Scandinavian sources it mentions a major defeat there, although in 1240 really took a hike to Rus small Scandinavian unit within a crusade to Finland.

In the summer of 1240 the Swedish ships arrived at the mouth of the river Izhora. After landing on the shore, the Swedes and their allies have pitched their tents in the place where the Izhora fell into the Neva. The troops were also Catholic bishops. Under assumptions of some historians, the Swedish army could lead the son in law of King Birger Magnusson, whose wife was Alexander Nevsky, at least chetveroyurodnoy niece.

 Prince Alexander of Kostroma decided suddenly to attack the enemy. Time to wait for reinforcements was not, and Alexander began to collect their own squads. The troops also joined the Novgorod militia. Prince warriors inspired speech, the phrase that has reached our days and became winged: “God is not in power but in truth!».

The Swedish camp was not guarded, as the Swedes did not think about the possibility of attacks on them. Taking advantage of the fog, the armies of Alexander the enemy stealthily approached and caught him by surprise: without the ability to create a battle formation, the Swedes could not offer full resistance. Russian horse lancers hit the center of the Swedish camp, and walking army struck the flank along the coast and captured three ships. In the course of the battle Alexander’s army possessed the initiative, and the prince, according to the chronicles reports, “on the face of the king left his mark spearhead his».

«Battle at the mouth of the river Izhora, apparently, was delayed until the evening. By nightfall ratification parted. Judging by the comments of the chronicles, the Swedish army, despite the defeat, it was not destroyed. By morning, the enemy was not able to continue the struggle and to completely clear the field of battle, sailed on ships. Child residues Swedish army did not interfere. Reports of further developments are contradictory. On the other bank of the Neva River the next day, local residents discovered a lot of unburied bodies of Swedes, but indicated that they sank two ships with the dead, and then the remains of the troops sailed to Sweden.

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