Thursday, January 21, 2016

Caltech Scientists have calculated the solar system another planet – First Channel

And it is much larger than Earth, but very far from it.

And it is much larger than Earth, but very far from it.

The best telescopes of the world literally combing the sky. The solar system may be greater than we thought. At least one new planet. Over the centuries of astronomical observation heavenly body, presumably, is 10 times larger than the earth so no one saw. But the mystery of the ninth planet – it’s the discovery of what is called “the tip of the pen.”

“By studying very distant objects of the solar system, far beyond the orbits of Neptune and Pluto, we noticed that they revolve around the Sun on different orbits. But at some point deflected in one direction. And this is very strange, the only explanation may be the presence of another large planet. And we thought, but it’s madness, “- says a professor at Caltech Michael Brown.

Scientists at Caltech, Michael Brown and native of Russia Konstantin Batygin doing calculations 1.5 years. Now, they say, no doubt remained. So influence the orbit of dwarf planets and asteroids can only gravitational field of a previously unknown planet similar to Uranus or Neptune.

“The object larger than the Earth but smaller than Neptune, the average planet from the category of large ice planets, and its orbit is not round, like the other planets, and very stretched. There is nothing like the solar system,” – says Professor at Caltech Constantine Batygin.

See the ninth planet, according to scientists, it is difficult because of the huge distance from the sun. The period of revolution of the Earth around the sun – 1 year. Jupiter is doing the same way for 12 years. Neptune – the outermost known planet of our system accesses around the world already for 164 years. One year on the ninth planet lasts 20 years 000 Earth – so the body needs time to make a complete revolution around the sun.

“It’s hard to explain how there is a planet was quite large. It was formed there could not, because there is the matter density was very low. One can only assume that it was ejected from the inner regions of the solar system, in cooperation from another planet. It is possible that such a planet and not one “- said Professor MSU Anatol Bolt.

Ironically, it was Michael Brown among scientists nicknamed” the killer of Pluto. ” It was on his initiative, the former ninth planet of the solar system was deprived of this status, recording only a dwarf planet. And that Michael can provide a replacement – the giant planet. But first it must still be seen. And according to calculations, the search at the current level of equipment can take several years.

Peter Derjaguin

Management Information Programs

Total Correspondent stories 132


  • About this astronomical sensation said Caltech

    On this astronomical sensation stated in California Institute of Technology

  • About this astronomical sensation announced in California Institute of Technology

    On this astronomical sensation said Caltech

  •  About this astronomical sensation said Caltech

    On this astronomical sensation said Caltech

  • About this astronomical sensation said Caltech

    On this astronomical sensation said Caltech

  • About this astronomical sensation said Caltech

    About this astronomical sensation said Caltech


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