Monday, January 25, 2016

Garbage in space would cause war on Earth, scientists predict – Moskovsky Komsomolets

This will happen if the flying debris in the military satellite will be accepted for international aggression

Today, at 12:06, Views: 5639

A study conducted by an international team of scientists under the leadership of Academician Vitaly Adushkin showed that space debris could trigger a political or even military conflicts on our planet.

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His assumption scientists explain the fact that a military satellite, functioning today, it may be in the path of space debris, and as a result be damaged or even destroyed. At the same time prove to prove that the cause of the accident was the occasional chip, rather than a planned attack another state, it may be quite difficult, writes The Guardian.

In order to damage satellites, fragments not have to be large, emphasize the scientists. Already, according to the Russian Federal Space Agency and NASA, the Earth’s orbit is more than 23 thousand of debris larger than 10 centimeters, half space debris at least one centimeter, and trillions of even smaller particles.

The collision may be particularly serious, if there will be a low orbit, ie at a distance of 160 to 745 kilometers above the planet’s surface, where they are almost all satellites. Here, the rate of such collisions can reach 50 thousand kilometers per hour.

According to Adushkin the past few decades have been recorded some cases of unplanned failure of military satellites. “These events can be two explanations – a collision with space debris or military aggression by the enemy. And it’s a very dangerous dilemma from a political point of view “, – thinks the author of a study published in the journal Acta Astronautica.

In the future, the problem of space debris, if not made sufficient effort to get rid of it, will fall even more sharply – debris will be so much that they will often collide with each other, breaking into smaller and even more numerous fragments. As a result, the number of debris objects will grow even more rapidly and uncontrollably.


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