Saturday, January 30, 2016

Scientists have learned how to decipher a person’s thoughts in real time – RIA “swap”

US scientists have learned to decipher a person’s thoughts in real time. Accuracy of mind reading dobrovoltsev- young women struck issledovateley- 96%. It happened in the course of another main study, in which scientists tried to determine the location in the brain from which the signal is sent to the deadly epileptics.

 Scientists have learned how to decipher the thoughts of a man in a real-time

A team of specialists, neuroscientists at the University of Washington (The University Of Washington), United States, succeeded in deciphering the signals of the human brain in real time. Rajesh Rao, a leading scientist, deputy program manager, said that at the beginning of the experiment rather complex task was only to help people with epilepsy.
 Inviting patients, epileptics, which are dominated by men, doctors and scientists, by connecting the electrodes to the temporal lobes of the brain of patients, we watched them for a week. The purpose of the observation was – to locate the source of the deadly convulsions.

In parallel, another group of scientists rented additional information from the electrodes, but in a completely different, more accurate equipment with which conducted an extremely complex study of neural brainwave .
 The first part of the program has been successfully zavershena- scientists were able to determine the point in the cerebral cortex, periodically sends paralyzing the momentum, because of which people reduces severe convulsions. However, the informal part of the experiment was continued with greater activity.
 Suddenly it became clear that special equipment designed to measure the neural brainwave captures signals resembling the mental activity of the brain.

Adding a group of male epileptics healthy young women, it was decided to show volunteers a series of houses and individual people Moreover, each image appears on the screen for 400 milliseconds (0.04 seconds). Analyzed signals from the frontal lobes of the subjects, which is the center of sensory input. It was found that at the end of each session of the study program neurons (real-time), defined as 96% of cases, which image drawing mentally patient. The display shows the outline of the subject, with the time difference of 20 seconds after he saw the man. The full text of the research report
 published in the latest issue of the scientific journal PLOS ONE.

German Kim


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