The astrologers said that the parade of planets could be a bad omen. ” Depending on many factors, lined up in a line of the world can talk about the end of the world and of the famine, and of the impending war. But what will happen, and will happen whether in general – astrology lovers only guess.
Parade of planets – a unique astronomical phenomenon, which can be observed with the naked eye. It will last until February 7, that is, the whole next week. Parade participants – are Mercury, Venus, Saturn, Mars and Jupiter – can be clearly seen without a telescope, even without binoculars at dawn.
Alexander Perhnyak, an astrophysicist at the Moscow Planetarium, told NTV: “The sun is now rises about eight in the morning . So if you get up at half past six, six hours, seven hours and look to the southeast, you them anyway to see ».
Seeing in the sky such a picture, the ancient Maya were horrified: in front – the destruction of death. Astrologers are discussed: it all depends on how much of the parade, and under what zodiac banners they march. If all seven planets in the solar system except Earth line up in one sector of heaven – it is dangerous.
This is a big parade every 500 years. Penultimate dates back to the year 1483 – when the great painter Raphael was born and theologian Martin Luther, the reformer and founder of the Protestant church.
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Last passed in 1982 – Brezhnev died, and then the five-year plan lush funeral and disintegration of the Union. In 1962, only Neptune did not participate in the parade, and the rest of the world together in a single sign of the zodiac. Immediately – Cuban Missile Crisis, and almost started World War III. But today’s passage of the five planets are unlikely to promise something truly life-changing.
To the five bright planets were visible at the same time, must necessarily be the condition to Mars, Jupiter and Saturn were about the same longitude and it was visible around the inner planets, and Mercury and Venus were in eastern elongation from the sun in the spring and in the western elongation – autumn (in the northern hemisphere of the Earth and for middle latitudes).
It is at such elongation Mercury can We are seeing quite a long time. Less harsh visibility conditions on Venus, as its maximum elongation is 48 degrees (Mercury, it is 28 degrees).
parade of planets is also known as the configuration of the planets of the solar system, the planets, including those invisible to the naked eye “lining” on one side of the sun in the small sector. In this configuration, Mercury and Venus can be visible from the Earth, so they are in inferior conjunction with the sun, but the outer planets are visible, almost in the same direction. Nearest last such parade was 10 March 1982 and the next will be in 2161.
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