Thursday, August 21, 2014

Hackers hacked Twitter Prime Minister, advised not to use Apple – Latest News – periodical about world events

Hackers hacked Twitter Prime Minister, it is advised not to use the Apple Hackers who broke into Twitter Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, are strongly advised not to use the iPhone. Members of the hacker group indicate that store personal and sensitive data in the Apple devices is dangerous. It is because of vulnerabilities iPhone hackers have managed to get the data access and to microblog head of government, but also to its pages “VKontakte” and «Facebook».

How to write the “Izvestia”, the hackers group “Anonymous International”, which, as many believe, hacked blog Dmitry Medvedev, are advised not to use the iPhone. It is through this phone attacker to gain access to its pages in “VKontakte», Facebook and Twitter. How to prevent cracks, to use it, of course, possible, but drifts back personal data can not be.

Crackers explained that they do not blog Twitter hacked – there they just entered the correct password. According to statements by members of the group of hackers, password Blog Twitter at the prime minister was a 15-digit: gfkrtopmda68743.

The hackers said they were able to get not only blog Twitter, but also to the pages Medvedev Facebook and “VKontakte . ” But a bet made during a burglary still on Twitter.

In turn, the professionals who are engaged in the protection of information, confirmed to the publication that the government agencies has regulations that prohibit storing documents on the iPhone. They believe that access to the blog by the Prime Minister received any service Apple. Experts believe that the hacking blog Dmitry Medvedev took place because of the vulnerabilities existing in the iPhone, and other similar smartphones.

civil servants in many countries prohibit the use of more insistent iPhone. In particular, last year the Security Service of the administration of President Obama, the United States banned the use of iPhone. Similar bans on the use of smartphones, according to the publication, introduced in Russia.


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