RBC 08.21.2014, Moscow 08:57:46 Foreigners wishing to use public Wi-Fi, can not use the phone number. Write about this “Izvestia».
The amendments adopted in the rules for the provision of data transmission services, require users wishing to access the Wi-Fi in public areas, must pass the identification. In particular, this can be done through a valid mobile number.
According to lawyers, the identification of the person at this can not pass on the number of foreign cellular company. According to the Russian Internet Ombudsman Dmitry Marinicheva subscriber foreign operator can come an SMS-message with a code that must be entered to access the Wi-Fi in public access areas. But it does not identify the identity of the subscriber. According Marinicheva require different methods of identification.
In Russia the purchase of SIM-cards is carried out on the passport and according to article 64 of the Law “On Communications” operators, if necessary, are required to provide information to law enforcement authorities subscriber. But the foreign cellular companies scope of this article does not apply.
Hidden foreigners and another method of identification that does not require presentation of identification cards – register online government services.
As the lawyer Sergei Zuikov foreigner to access the public Internet in Russia must present a passport or get a Russian phone number.
In this Marinichev noticed that after some time problems with the identification of users in the field of collective access to Wi-Fi will only increase. According to him, “to identify any device unrealistic”, and a year or two the number of devices, “which will be able to connect to the network, will be an order of magnitude higher than the number of people.” To do this, it will be necessary to cancel the decision of the Government of 31 July, he concluded.
The day before the government made it mandatory for social networks and other popular sites to communicate in Russian install hardware and software with which the security services will be able to automatically receive information about the actions of the users of these sites. Resolution of the Cabinet of July 31, in particular, focused on the interaction of the security services and the “organizers of the dissemination of information.” Document, in particular prohibits sites disclose “organizational and technical methods of operational and search activities.” About the one who takes on the costs of installing new software, the regulation does not say.
July 31, the Russian government issued a decree that establishes the procedure for identification of users on admission to the Internet. Ministry of Communications, in turn, issued a clarification, stating that if the access point Wi-Fi network operator installed, the user is required to provide their personal data – name, surname, personal identity document number. The new rules do not impose any obligations on individuals who have set the access point.
July 31, the Russian government issued a decree that establishes the procedure for identification of users on admission to the Internet. Ministry of Communications, in turn, issued a clarification, stating that if the access point Wi-Fi network operator installed, the user is required to provide their personal data – name, surname, personal identity document number. The new rules do not impose any obligations on individuals who have set the access point.
«Operators of public Wi-Fi will not necessarily require your paper passport. It may be a SMS code to cellular. For millions of Russian citizens a convenient way to identify in publ. Wi-Fi can be password from the portal of public services. I do not remember that in some of the international airports in recent years could be completely anonymously reach the Wi-Fi-network “- said Nikiforov in” twitter ».
Later, the head of the Ministry of Communications Nikolai Nikiforov explained in his “tweet” that “operators of public Wi-Fi will not necessarily require the <...> paper passport. “It may be a SMS code to cellular. For millions of Russian citizens a convenient way to identify in publ. Wi-Fi can be password from the portal of public services. I do not remember that in some of the international airports in recent years could be completely anonymously reach the Wi-Fi-network “- said Nikiforov.
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