Thursday, January 15, 2015

In HSE promised not to invite speakers with “anti-science” reports after the seminar on the “memory of water” –

The Administration of the Moscow Institute of Electronics and Mathematics HSE has responded to the complaints of students to teachers who read anti-scientific lectures. Director of the Moscow Institute of Electronics and Mathematics (part of the Higher School of Economics) Alexander Tikhonov promised not to call Valeria Slesareva lecture, unmasked commission of RAS on pseudo-science.

 Slesarev addressed the students on 13 January and spoke about the “water memory” of animals that can read thoughts owners and other things that have not been confirmed by modern science. This caused outraged student community, information about the last lecture widely circulated in the media.

 “Okay, so that our students responded quickly and drew our attention to this issue, a very upbeat on the reaction. Tomorrow after the end of the lecture seminars we plan to hold a discussion with students on the fight against pseudoscience and falsification of scientific research”, – said Alexander Tikhonov interview with TJournal .

 According to Tikhonov, Slesareva invited to speak “because of the report, which he did in 2014 at an international conference.” What kind of work, he did not elaborate.

 As pointed portal Meduza , previously complained to the unusual lecture students of the institution. One of them, Vitaly Bulanenkov, told the portal that Slesarev demonstrated complete ignorance of medicine. “Tablets of the head can not be cured, because they need to get into your head, and into the stomach, and some doctors say the opposite,” – he quoted the lecturer, saying that the man also spoke of certain “akvakommunikatsiyah” by which animals smell .

 According Bulanenkov, lectures Slesareva he took with him into a squabble, which intervened deputy dean of the Faculty of Information Technology and Computer Science Tatiana Potapov, which, according to the student accused of listeners in the absence of “scientific thinking”.

 Note that at the end of last year, media attention drew another incident: the National Research Nuclear University (MEPI), an international theological conference. This happened after the work began in the MEPI chair of theology.

Related Links:

Physicists and theologians said in Moscow about good and evil
// // Religion and Society // October 23, 2014

Information Internet resources

Higher Education // // The incident


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