Sunday, January 18, 2015

Scientists: wolves – the most mysterious animals in the world – RosRegistr

During the 50 years of his life, an American zoologist David Sword, studied the habits and lifestyle of wolves. In addition to basic research activities in the field of study of mammals of the temperate zone of the planet, in which the sword has a degree, this multi-faceted man is also an employee of the US Geological Survey.

Having accumulated for half a century of work, a lot of information about the life of wolves biologist confidently declares – most people are too prejudiced against “Sanitation forest”, calling them too dangerous animals.

Canis Lupus – under that name known wolves in the scientific world. In cultures of different peoples, these predators are represented in different guises. For example, in the mythology of the Nordic peoples of its main deity – Odin, always accompanied by a pair of wolves – Freki and Gehry. They did not leave his master even during his stay in the host people’s homes, so wolves in Scandinavia are revered as “God’s wanderers».

It is not sad, but with high growth of the world population, wild territory, where anciently inhabited by wolves, amenable to active colonization and urbanization. The contact between the predators and man becomes inevitable. The result usually is people ruin the economy.

The most common damage to human activity brings wandering lone wolf, which expelled from the pack alpha male. These lone wolves of hunger are quite capable to attack the man. To prevent such meetings, people and animals, zoologists study the habits of animals.

In most cases, even a large flock of 6-7 animals, choosing weakened or diseased sacrifice for hunting. Based on this, the person is too strong for them hunted. Proof of this trend is the fact that the number of wolves is greatly reduced in recent years.

The scientists also proved that the wolf is the direct ancestor of the domestic dog. So it is worth to him as a fellow man.

On this Site PiterBurger.



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